Shedding the stubborn five

When it comes to weight loss, there is nothing more frustrating than the last five pounds before the target goal weight. These last five pounds tend to stick around like the smell of running shoes in the back seat of a vehicle. It seems as if no matter how much effort the health enthusiast puts toward the shedding of these pounds, there is truly nothing that can keep them off for good.

Get them off — Losing the last few pounds can always pose a challenge to those wanting to achieve a goal weight. Stock Exchange
Before fitness fanatics decide to become comfortable with that disappointingly familiar stopping point on the scale, new research may offer hope for people desperate to watch the meter quickly slide to the left for a change. In fact, research put to the test by Women’s Health Magazine is giving hope to gym rats everywhere.
“The closer you get to your ideal weight, the tougher it is to reach it,” celebrity trainer Holly Perkins said in an interview with Women’s Health. “The more weight you lose, the harder your body works to hold on to it.”
Nearly anyone who has attempted to lose any amount of weight is not at all surprised by this quote. Most would even attest to having experienced the struggle of fighting against the battle of the body’s attachment to those last five stubborn pounds.
So what is the trick? According to Women’s Health, modernizing the traditional workout of spending an hour on the treadmill and venturing onto other workout equipment could make all the difference on the scales. While cardiovascular activities like running and biking are vital to successful weight loss, it is also suggested that weight lifting be added to the exercisers regular workout regimen.
According to Liz Plosser, writer for Womens Health, lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike for an hour after a workout because your body is trying hard to help your muscles recover.
Junior Brooke Hartwell, who is a fitness guru herself, has been committed to maintaining a healthy weight during her college years and can attest to the calorie torching results seen from choosing to pump iron.
Women’s Health also suggests adding plyometrics to weekly workouts. This form of exercise uses multiple muscle groups to perform quick, explosive moves such as box jumps and switch lunges to incinerate unwanted fat around trouble spots.
“Since I have started implementing plyometric jumping moves to my workout, I have seen the biggest difference on the scale,” junior Amy Royall said.
Although attempting to lose any amount of weight can be disheartening, the key to achieving weight loss goals is perseverance. Be willing to try something new and observe the scales as you change your workouts. The pleasure of watching that magic number appear on the scale will far outweigh any pain experienced at the gym.
Would it not help if the target weight loss was reduced by 5 pounds?!