From the desk

Ring by spring. At Liberty, we all know the phrase.
Well, last Thursday I got my ring — and along with it I got three days in NYC, 59 Facebook notifications, 20 hours in an airport, two unfinished articles on a deadline and finally, six hours of sleep last night.
Talk about a Fall Break.
With Liberty’s notorious talk of marriage — including a book given to freshmen this year seeming to encourage said union — I had always been one to criticize the “Liberty story.”
“We met at convocation…” or “We had Freshman Seminar together…” was always a target of my ring by spring humor.
Well, I met Kevin McAlpin during leadership week at Liberty. We both served as prayer leaders. Doesn’t get more Liberty friendly than that.
I have since altered my approach to the famous claim that 65 percent of students meet their spouse at Liberty.
Liberty is a unique place. It draws in thousands of Christians who desire to be the best that they can be in their given field together to learn and grow not only academically, but spiritually as well.
It is not because of some crazy desire to have Liberty students mate and produce future Liberty students — although I’m sure that happens — but people are encouraged to embrace the Lord’s plan.
It is not that marriage is pushed or shoved down people’s throats, but that the holy union desired by God is encouraged to be walked out in the Lord’s time with another God fearing individual.
The reason Liberty seems to be a breeding ground for such activities is because they have managed to bring 12,000 like-minded young adults together to run after the same goal. It is running after that goal that some — actually most — find a helper to run with them.
My best advice to all of those who, like I was, are critical of the unions that are born at Liberty is to evaluate your motives.
“So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate,” Matthew 19:6.