A Christian View of Government

2 years ago

by Dr. Gai Ferdon and Zane Richer Every article should have at least one idea in it. The one idea in this article is simply that a Christian view of the state is possible. And it is a wondrous development in the history of Western thought that this idea presently...

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Leadership for the Other

2 years ago

by Jack Carson This article was originally published as the first article in the Fall 2020 edition of Faith and the Academy, the journal published by the Center for Apologetics every year. Training Champions for Christ is the mission of Liberty University, and by extension, the task of every faculty...

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The Value of Affliction

2 years ago

by Emily Page The Old Testament shows us what it looks like to walk with God. It is challenging, filled with highs and lows and sometimes long stretches of seeming silence. So often during these silences, God's people face intense pain—inflicted by others, inflicted by themselves, and sometimes inflicted by...

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Progressing From ‘A Theology of the Disciplines’ to ‘A Theology For Vocation’

2 years ago

by Dr. Benjamin K. Forrest Progression is natural. My youngest son is learning the alphabet with his mom before he learns to read at school. My grade school daughter is learning the commutative property of addition before she learns algebra. Learning is always built upon prior knowledge. Progression is natural,...

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Redemptive Storytelling: Reimagining the World through a Hopeful Lens

2 years ago

Logan Prince graduated from Liberty University in 2019 with degrees in Journalism and Theology and Apologetics. Since graduating, he has been working as a producer at Bellevue Baptist Church in Nashville, TN. Stories matter. Worldview stories shape perspectives. Fictional stories instill values. The grand narrative of the Bible influences, well,...

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The City of God and the City of Man

2 years ago

by Dr. Mark D. Allen The unimaginable happened. It was dream crushing. They had placed their hope in the grand wedding between the Empire and Christianity. This marriage of imperial power and a transcendent God captured the imaginations of those who imbibed the lure of its unlimited potential for peace,...

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Make ‘Christian’ Engagement with the Arts More…Christian

6 years ago

By Brett McCracken The “arts and theology” subgenre of evangelical discourse is livelier than ever before. There are countless blogs, journals, books, conferences, and university programs devoted to exploring the intersection of faith, creativity, and the arts. Since I started publishing film reviews in Christian magazines some 15 years ago,...

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The Church Loved My Daughter to Jesus

6 years ago

By Scott Slayton Recently, one of my daughters came to faith in Jesus. She started talking to us and asking questions while driving home from our community groups on Sunday nights. As most conversations about the gospel tend to go, we talked about the character of God, sin, Jesus’s death...

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How to Be a Friend at All Times (Even When You Don’t Have Time)

6 years ago

By Winfree Brisley One day each month I open the mailbox and find a delightful surprise. Mixed in with the bills and junk mail is a beautiful magazine: Southern Living. I gaze at the cover photo of a delicious-looking pie or beautifully decorated room, and—for just a moment as I linger...

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Why Millennials ARE Coming to Church

6 years ago

There have been plenty of articles about why Millennials—those twenty somethings—are not coming to church.  Plenty of time and attention towards what would bring them back. Well, in our church at the moment plenty of Millennials ARE coming.  It’s been noted by  the older crowd that they’re starting to get...

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