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Communication for a Safe LU

Communications is a vital part of the Liberty University Office of Security & Public Safety. The mission of Security & Public Safety is protection through service – and clear, concise communication is critical to protecting the LU community. Here’s how LU Public Safety carries out safety precautions daily:

LU Emergency Communications Dispatch

The Liberty University Department of Emergency Management & Community Engagement (EMCE) houses the Liberty University Emergency Communications Center. This division is known as LU Emergency Communications, and there is a dispatcher on duty 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. These professionals take daily calls from the LU community. While they serve in many ways, dispatchers focus on:


  • Answering calls for police, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS)
  • Monitoring emergency telephone systems
  • Monitoring panic, intrusion, and fire alarm systems
  • Monitoring the LU Champion Safe Mobile App
  • Assisting Emergency Management in the Departmental Operations Center (DOC)
  • Monitoring Bluelight boxes


Dispatcher taking a call

LU Alert Notification Guide

The LU Alert notifications are designed to make the community aware of crimes, safety concerns, and emergency situations. These alerts are sent out whenever the criteria are met.

Public Service Notification

This alert is a campus notification that the LU community must know about but is not an emergency.

Timely Warning

This type of alert is given when a Clery-related crime has occurred within the Liberty University Clery Geography. Clery crimes and geography are established using the guidelines from the Office of Equity & Compliance.

Emergency Notification

An emergency notification is chosen when an active/emergent threat to the campus presents itself. This requires criteria that are located at the Emergency Communications Dispatch Center.

Download Our Champion Safe Mobile App

Download Champion Safe: The official safety app of Liberty University

Champion Safe is the official safety app of Liberty University.

It is the only app that integrates with Liberty University’s safety and security systems. Campus Security has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty, and staff with added safety on Liberty University’s campus.

This app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources.

Champion Safe App Features Include:

Campus Map

Chat With Security

Emergency Contacts

Emergency Plans

Friend Walk

I’m OK!

Mobile Blue Light

Notification History

Safety Notifications

Safety Toolbox

Share Your Location

Support Resources

Tip Reporting

Transit Map

Virtual WalkHome

Emergency Blue Light Box located on campus


Get Help With an Emergency Blue Light Box

There are blue light emergency boxes located all around campus for the safety of the LU community. LU Emergency Communications monitors these boxes daily.

When pressed, the box will immediately connect an individual with dispatch.

Each encounter is videotaped and the blue light will be turned on at the same time. These blue light stations are tested monthly to ensure they are in working order.

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