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Contact the School of Health Sciences

The School of Health Sciences exists to prepare men and women in the sciences and health professions through the integration of current scientific thought and a biblical worldview. Current undergraduate degree programs include: the B.S. in Athletic Training, Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Sciences, Biopsychology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Exercise Science, Environmental Biology, Forensic Science, Public Health, Physical Education and Health, Respiratory Therapy, Zoo and Wildlife Biology, and Zoology

See all Program Directors listed by school and program name.

Contact the School of Health Sciences via email at

Dr. Heidi DiFrancesca
Dean, School of Health Sciences

Megan Dinsmore
Director of Administrative Operations
Senior Administrative Assistant to the Dean

Dr. Brendan Haynie
Associate Dean of Online Programs,
School of Health Sciences

Dr. Ben Forrest
Online Chair, School of Health Sciences

Stacy Johnson
Director of Facilities Operations

Megan Bishop
Faculty Support Coordinator

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