Craigslist killer claims multiple murders

Government officials remain skeptical of the authenticity of Miranda Barbour’s confession to killing more than 22 The story reads like a real-life rendition of the television show “Criminal Minds” — childhood abuse and prolific drug misuse create a complex, convoluted psyche with dangerous subconscious tendencies. But this is not your typical tortured soul. Cue the suspenseful music and prepare yourself […]

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All Americans deserve the right to vote

Past imprisonment should not disqualify felons and ex-convicts from participating in the democratic system Attorney General Eric Holder has recently been ramping up his actions within the Department of Justice in contrast to his first few dormant years under the Obama Administration. With this new second wind, Holder has been tackling issues that have been near and dear to his […]

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Restrictions have their place in society

Though Americans have the right to freedom of the press, some instances may require government intervention The U.S. has recently fallen 13 places in the World Press Freedom Index 2014, which ranks 180 countries based on restrictions and liberties regarding journalism, according to a NY Daily News article by Leslie Larson. The country is now ranked 46 — not horrible, […]

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From the Desk

I still remember sitting in an American literature class one particular day of my sophomore year in the spring of 2012 and listening to Dr. Matthew Towles tell us about the ultramarathon he planned to run. As he lightheartedly asked for prayer from the class for the incredible feat he was training for, I could not help thinking how crazy […]

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Coca-Cola depicts multilingual America

What should have been a patriotic advertisement caused controversy and outrage from millions of viewers This year’s Coca-Cola Super Bowl 2014 advertisement caused many viewers to jump on social media sites and freely bash the beloved soda company. The advertisement called “It’s Beautiful” featured people of different nationalities using different languages as they sang “America the Beautiful.” Granted, they were […]

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Bieber fever or Bieber disaster?

What do smoking weed, abusing prescription medication, drinking and driving, pranking peaceful neighbors and assaulting a limo driver all have in common? Allegedly, Justin Bieber. His exploits make zingers like that one too easy. Seriously though, what is with this kid? And at 19 years old, is he even a kid anymore? Why does there seem to be a scandal […]

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Increase in minimum wage deceptive

Though temporarily beneficial, higher wages for federal workers could set a precedent for economic damage In a political maneuver that surely thrilled millions of Americans, President Barack Obama announced plans in his State of the Union Address to raise the minimum wage of certain federal workers to $10.10 per hour. He also discussed campaigning to raise the federal minimum wage […]

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Transforming black history month

African-American History Month should focus primarily on American history and culture, not on race “We should emphasize not Negro history, but the Negro in history. What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but the history of the world void of national bias, race hate and religious prejudice.” These are words from Carter G. Woodson, one […]

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From the Desk

My social media feeds are now full of updates and pictures from professional baseball teams in Florida and Arizona preparing for the new season, and the Liberty Flames have already begun their season as well. No, the snow has not melted in Virginia, and the temperature still often dips below 32 degrees, but baseball is right around the corner. But […]

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From the Desk

The Super Bowl is probably the most unique sporting event in the world. Sure, football does have a lot to do with the popularity of the big game, but every year, whether you’re a lifelong football fan or completely clueless, one culture-defying trend unifies the entire country – America’s one-day interest in advertisements. In a 2006 CBS News article, Yankelovich […]

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The virtue of Valentine’s Day

Despite the negative connotations surrounding the holiday, there are still postitive aspects to a day of love Every Feb. 14, countless numbers of chocolates, candies, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones in the name of Saint Valentine. Despite the mixed popularity of the holiday, Americans spend a significant amount of money every year to commemorate the day of […]

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Will soldiers come home in 2014?

Obama weighs the options as American forces inch closer to a permanent return from war-torn Middle East According to President Obama’s annual State of the Union address, the war in Afghanistan could be leading to a complete troop withdrawal as we begin 2014. Should Afghan President Hamid Karzai refuse to sign a bilateral security agreement (BSA), a complete troop withdrawal […]

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Threats will not thwart games

Russian President Vladimir Putin aims to prevent radical Islamists from overshadowing upcoming competition The modern Olympic Games began April 6, 1896. This was a battle of athletic brawn showcased in the hallowed coliseums of Athens. Over many centuries, the tradition has become a gala of patriotic glory, showcasing only the best the world has to offer. Throughout history, the Olympics […]

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