Liberty Law student remains in critical condition after horrific crash

Liberty University law student Alexis Livingston remains on life support in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit at the VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) Medical Center after experiencing a head-on collision with a tractor trailer Tuesday, March 12, in Petersburg, Virginia.

Livingston, 25, suffered a traumatic brain injury and fractured multiple bones, including ribs, legs and ankles, along with other injuries. As of the writing of this article, Livingston is slowly progressing, but remains in critical condition.

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Alexis Livingston is a first-year Liberty Law student. 

“Please keep praying for her and sending her good thoughts, wishes and love,” Eric Livingston, her father, said on GoFundMe.

She remains sedated as doctors moderate her high intracranial pressure, resulting from brain swelling.

For daily updates, visit Livingston’s GoFundMe page, created by her sister, Hayley Livingston.

“Alexis is the most selfless and caring person I have ever met,” Hayley Livingston said on GoFundMe. “Alexis is one of the strongest people I have ever known, and I am sure that if anyone can recover from this, she can.”


  • Dana Nicole Roberto (Liberty student)

    Prayers to Alexis and her family. I can’t even imagine the pain you all are in. May God comfort all of you at this time.

  • Praying for our Alumni that God would touch and heal her. We declare wholeness and that the swelling would decrease and her bones will heal, muscles strengthen, and brain functions and memory restored in Jesus name.

  • Many prayers going out to this young woman may God wrap his loving arms around her and her family at this very scary and tragic time! I lost my grandson to drunk driver on 3/9/19! I feel your pain!

  • Almighty God, we come boldly to your throne and hold Alexis up in prayer before you. While we may not understand why, we know you order our steps. We pray for total and complete healing! May all be amazed of your wondrous healing power! Lead and guide all who are providing her care. We ask this beliving that it will be done. In your precious name we pray, amen!

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