Making it RAINN at Title IX to raise awareness for sexual assault

  • Liberty’s Title IX Office hosts Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network Day to raise awareness for sexual assault on college campuses.
  • Title IX offers services and help for students who are victims of sexual assault and harassment.

Liberty University’s Title IX Office hosted its first event of the semester entitled Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network Day Thursday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Montview Student Union.

According to, RAINN Day is an annual day of action that takes place on college campuses to raise awareness and educate students about sexual violence. It is a grassroots program designed to empower college students to educate their peers about risk reduction and recovery resources on their campuses.

Prior to this event, the Title IX office partnered with the Office of Residence Life to help decorate yellow umbrellas with words of affirmation, hope and healing.

Title IX Assistant Director of Education Christina Hadley, who organizes and oversees Title IX’s educational events, believes that creating conversation is the key to educating students.

“The purpose is not only to raise awareness, but start a conversation about how we can prevent this, what resources are available if it does happen and how to begin the restoration process after trauma,” Hadley said.

Yellow umbrellas with artistic drawings, positive affirmations and scripture lined the wall.  Candy, pens, informational pamphlets and USB flash drives with the YWCA of Central Virginia’s Sexual Assault Response Program’s anonymous contact number printed on them were all available for students at the RAINN Day event.

The event also highlighted the Title IX office’s SpeakUP campaign, a preventative effort against sexual violence that aims to increase awareness of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, stalking and all other gender-based discriminations.

“Every event that we do in the Title IX office is to engage the Liberty University community to speak up,” Hadley said.

During the event, students could engage and connect to Title IX on social media by posting photos to the office’s Instagram and Facebook pages.

SARP representative of Central Virginia Irene Williams was available at the information table to help educate students on sexual violence, crisis intervention and ways to advocate for men and women who have been or and know someone who has been affected by sexual assault.

“After an assault, that power is taken away, so our main goal is to give that power back to them,” Williams said. “At times through that process it can seem to snowball out of control. Our job is to ultimately put that control back in their lives.”

“SARP is an anonymous resource,” Williams said. “For those who want help we also have counseling that is available. We encourage those who’re seeking help to work with Title IX and SARP to attain extra support.”

Liberty University’s Title IX office seeks to educate and encourage Liberty students to speak up and to advocate for those afflicted by interpersonal violence.

For more information on the SpeakUP campaign, future Title IX events or to report an incident of sexual misconduct text 4999 to 24502 or contact The Title IX office at 434-592-4999.

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