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Liberty University stands boldly for life with 1,000 students at national March for Life

More than 1,000 Liberty University students marched for the unborn at the 52nd March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday. (Photos by Emily Cuthrell)

As the fight against abortion continues, more than 1,000 Liberty University students proclaimed their support for the unborn at the 52nd March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday.

The March for Life has been a consistent tradition in the pro-life movement, happening annually since the Roe v. Wade landmark ruling in January of 1973, which codified abortion in all 50 states. Liberty has been sponsoring trips to the event for decades.

This annual event is the largest pro-life demonstration in the world, collecting an average annual attendance of 150,000 participants. Liberty’s involvement was sponsored by the university’s Standing for Freedom Center.

Liberty students prayed outside Union Station before the march, where they heard from newly elected congressman John McGuire (R-VA), who represents the state’s fifth district.

Students also received a charge from the Freedom Center’s Executive Director Ryan Helfenbein, who encouraged them to march boldly for the unborn because babies, like mature adults, have significant value in the eyes of God.

“We march because we are fearfully and wonderfully made,” Helfenbein told students. “We march because we are made in God’s image — male and female — and we recognize that God has a plan for each and every one of us. … I don’t know all your names, but Heaven knows your names.”

“But we also march today because we recognize that the work is not done,” he added, noting that many abortions in this nation are happening away from clinics. “Abortion has not been ended in this country. You are the posterity of a 50-plus-year commitment to end Roe v. Wade. We accomplished that as a nation, but it is not over. That is why we march today.”

On their way to the march, Liberty students joined the sea of tens of thousands at the Washington Monument for a pre-march rally. The crowd heard from pro-life influencers Bethany Hamilton, Lila Rose, President Donald Trump (via pre-recorded message), and an in-person keynote from Vice President JD Vance, who emphasized that Americans must adopt a holistic approach to supporting the cause of life and to always remember the mothers who often feel like they have no other choice besides abortion.

Marchers began their demonstration at the foot of the Washington Monument following Vance’s keynote address, then marched across the National Mall, passing the Museum of Natural History, the Library of Congress, and the Capitol before concluding their celebration at the base of the Supreme Court building.

Junior pre-law student Ellie Shoemaker attended the march for the first time on Friday.

“So often, I feel like the pro-life community is too small to make a difference, but seeing all the people today really reminded me that we are not powerless, and our voices matter, our community is not small, and the tide is turning,” she said. “Overall, the experience was really great. It was such a unique experience to walk through the nation’s capital in support of the fact that God created all life. And no matter how small, it has value.”

“We all stood arm in arm in our nation’s capital to show the world that America is a country first and foremost for life,” said sophomore international relations student Naomi Park. “The March for Life is an honor to experience. I marched in recognition of the sanctity of all human life because we are all made in the image of God. It is a privilege to march on behalf of the image-bearers who have no voice or liberty. God willing, we will one day march in an abortion-free country.”

Liberty University’s participation in the March for Life echoes its longstanding commitment to the unborn and mothers in crisis. Liberty founder Dr. Jerry Falwell made a concerted effort to start the Moral Majority in response to Roe v. Wade. He also helped establish the Liberty Godparent Home, a nonprofit that assists mothers with a wide range of pregnancy needs.

“I am proud to attend a school that is unapologetically pro-life,” Park said. “I am grateful that LU is dedicated to teaching their students to defend biblical issues pervading our culture. Providing us the opportunity to attend these kinds of trips shows us how to live out our faith in active participation.

For many students like junior biomedical sciences student Colton Fitzgerald who have never attended the March for Life, this year’s event was a fresh experience.

“While it’s normal to meet and interact with fellow pro-lifers on Liberty’s campus, it’s another story when you’re out in a big city, especially D.C.,” Fitzgerald said. “However, it was quite the surprise to me as a first-time marcher, just how many pro-lifers there are. It was an honor to be able to stand up for the babies who have no voice yet, and to be able to stand on the right side of history along with truth, science, and most importantly God.”

“It was refreshing to see so many people in support of the most fundamental human right: life,” he added. “With so many others marching along with us, it gives me hope that I won’t only be the post-Roe generation, but also the generation that sees abortion abolished for good.”

As a further demonstration of its commitment to the pro-life cause, Liberty hosted Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, at Convocation two days before the march. Hawkins addressed the rise of chemical abortion pills and the devastating impact of Planned Parenthood, and she called on students to join the movement to protect our nation’s most vulnerable. She said that even with the demise of Roe v. Wade, there remains an ongoing battle for the pro-life cause.

“Our Jericho Roe v. Wade has fallen, but that was just the first step in our conquest of the Promised Land,” Hawkins told students from the Convocation stage. “It’s not complete. This is why it’s going to be up to us – the pro-life generation, those of us constantly targeted by the predatory abortion industry – to lead the pro-life revolution, to achieve the goals of our grandmothers and pro-life foremothers, to finally abolish abortion, making it illegal and unthinkable in our land. And getting there will specifically require you.”

Before Hawkins took the stage, Liberty School of Music band Vessel performed “God’s Children Aren’t for Sale,” written by music student Halle Harper.

Liberty University Chancellor Jonathan Falwell acknowledged members from the Blue Ridge and Bedford Pregnancy Centers, as well as the Liberty Godparent Home, who were present at Convocation in the president’s booth.

Vice President JD Vance speaks at the March for Life rally.

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