Letter to the Editor: Let’s Get Rid of CFAW’s Negative Stigma

This letter to the editor was received by the Liberty Champion staff on March 26 and was written by Liberty senior Nychele Kemper

Whenever an upcoming College for a Weekend, more affectionally known as CFAW, is mentioned, the reactions of my fellow students range from annoyed groans to the outright “no.” Very few are ever excited.

I get it; campus is crowded, and lines are already long. Adding a couple thousand extra people who don’t know Liberty’s systems multiplies the inconvenience. Yes, many of the CFAWs are annoying, clueless, and a hindrance, but in the words of Paul, “such were some of you” (1 Corinthians 6:11). How did you want to be treated when you first stepped foot on Liberty’s campus? Certainly not like some of the horror stories I have heard from previous CFAW events.

Playing pranks, pointing and laughing, or purposefully giving bad directions might seem funny in the moment, but it’s not. I know of a fellow student who almost didn’t attend Liberty because of the malice shown to her by students when she came to CFAW. Clueless high schoolers are people too. Treat CFAWs as you would want to be treated and encourage others to do so as well. Answer CFAWs’ questions with kindness and honesty. Go the extra mile if you are able to. Be kind.




  • Yes show hospitality without grumbling as it says in the word

  • Was very happy my daughters’ CFAW hosts were wonderful and looked out for them all weekend. Really added to their weekend visit. They were the hands and feet of Jesus during their CFAW

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