Boston Marathon Bombings

4/20/13, 5:00 PM

The second Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was caught late, Friday, April 19, after a gunfight with law enforcement. He was found hiding in a boat in the backyard of a house in Watertown, Mass., according to the police.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Tsarnaev was found bleeding and seriously injured before being hospitalized. Police are working hard to find a motive.

“One thing we do know is that whatever hateful agenda drove these men to such heinous acts will not — cannot — prevail,” President Barack Obama said in a press release. “Whatever they thought they could ultimately achieve, they’ve already failed.”

4/19/13, 1:00 PM

The Boston Marathon bombers have been identified as Dzhokhar, 19, and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26.

According to NBC, the suspects robbed a 7-Eleven, shot a police officer to death, stole an SUV and briefly kidnapped its owner, and then hurled explosives in a fight with law enforcement yesterday, April 19.

Tamerlan was killed during the fight with the law enforcement, but Dzhokhar still remains at large.

Dzhokhar was born in Kyrgyzstan and Tamerlan was born in Russia, but later became a legal permanent resident of the United States in 2007. The brothers came to the U.S. from or near Chechnya in 2002 or 2003, according to NBC.

While law enforcement is still on the lookout for Dzhokar, Gov. Deval Patrick has ordered that the entire city of Boston, as well as some of its suburbs, stay inside while the police search for the perpetrator house-by-house.

According to NBC, Boston has shut down both its buses and its subway system.

4/16/13, 8:20 PM

Update: While authorities still do not know who was responsible for yesterday’s Boston Marathon bombings, new information has surfaced, getting the police and FBI one step closer to finding the bomber(s).

At a news conference, investigators said that they believed the bombs to be shrapnel-studded pressure cookers that were hidden in backpacks and more than likely contained timed detonators, according to US News.

Another of the three victims from yesterday has been identified as a Boston University graduate student at Kenmore Square, according to the Boston Globe’s Twitter feed

4/16/13, 11:00 AM

The 8-year-old boy who died in yesterday’s explosions was Martin Richard, from Dorchester, Mass. according to the Boston Globe.

The Boston Police Department said that 176 victims of the bombings went to area hospitals, with 17 in critical condition and three dead.

The Boston Globe reported that Brigham doctors said ball bearings and nails have been removed from the victims.

ABC reported that the bombs in Boston were smaller and meant to harm or kill people, not to destroy infrastructure.

Currently, the police have no one in custody.

4/16/13, 10:00 AM

Update: At least 17 people still remain in critical condition as a result of the explosions yesterday, according to The New York Times.

The Boston Police Department tweeted for the public to remain patient while the culprits are found and brought to justice.

“Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice,” President Barack Obama said at a press conference.

4/15/13, 9:45 PM

Update: According to the Boston Police Department, another person has died as a result of the bombings at today’s marathon. A name has not yet been released.

4/15/13, 8:20 PM

Update: One of the two casualties of the Boston Marathon bombings has been identified as an 8-year-old boy, according to CNN.

While an exact count of injuries is still being investigated, CNN reports that at least 132 people are being treated at local hospitals, eight of which are children.

The JFK Library fire has been classified as a non-related event, according to Boston Police.

Tragedy struck at the Boston Marathon as two explosions left two people confirmed dead and at least 23 more bloody and wounded, Monday, April 15, according the Boston Police Department’s Twitter feed.

The casualty numbers are expected to change throughout the night, according to Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis.

So far, the Boston Police have confirmed that the two explosions were bombs, with two additional non-detonated explosives reportedly found in other locations.

According to Boston Police, these devices are being treated as related to the bombings at this time.

Davis also said that the bombs were placed at the finish line of the race in trashcans and exploded at roughly 2:50 p.m.

One suspicious person, according to CBS News, was reported carrying a backpack near the finish line.

The Boston Police recommended that people stay home and do not congregate in large crowds.

“People should be calm but understand that this is an ongoing event and that we need all the information that is available,” Davis said.

If you or someone you know needs to locate a family member or confirm a victim from the Boston Marathon bombing, please call 617-635-4500.

Please continue to check the Liberty Champion for updated information.

Two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. There were multiple injuries and fatalities.

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