Students serve Romania: LU Serve Now partners with Greater Europe Mission

A team of 10 Liberty students and two staff members returned Feb. 10 from a seven-day mission trip through LU Serve Now to Bucharest, Romania.
LU Serve Now partnered with international organizations Greater Europe Mission and UBC22 (United Beyond Cause) for the trip. According to UBC22’s website, the organization is a Christian-social-humanitarian endeavor that looks to aid refugees who have been affected by the recent military actions in Ukraine.
The trip was led by Emily Dye, projects coordinator for LU Serve, and Dawson Bley, student development coordinator for LU Serve.

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While in Romania, the team served not only by helping with day-to-day tasks like cooking and cleaning, but also working to build relationships with the local community through ministering to them about Christ.
“Sometimes serving looks like just sitting down and having a conversation with somebody,” Dye said.
The team was also able to serve through hands-on work including packing supply boxes to be sent into Ukraine.
“They also send out convoys into Ukraine where they supply frontline areas with supplies of food and things along those lines. So we had the opportunity to go to a warehouse offsite where they packed boxes and supplies to be sent out into Ukraine,” Dye said.
Dye hoped that the students not only enjoyed the trip because of the international connections they formed from it, but also from growing closer to Christ.
“My goal was to get them plugged in with the organization,” Dye said. “Also, I wanted to just encourage them and shepherd them and help them think through, ‘How is this helping me grow in my faith?’”
Andie Light, a senior on the trip, said that her favorite part was being able to see Christ move throughout the trip.
“I thought it was the coolest opportunity to share the gospel, do ministry in a new context and build relationships,” Light said. “It really was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take off and serve in another country alongside my peers.”

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Light also enjoyed being able to connect with the local community in Romania.
“Not only did I get to experience God’s work in a completely new environment, I got to build amazing friendships with the people in Romania and with fellow students on the trip,” Light said. “Every Liberty student should join LU Serve Now. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to further God’s kingdom.”
Applications to join the student LU Serve Now team open every semester. LU Serve Now typically takes multiple mission trips per year, depending on community needs.
“We’re always looking for opportunities to do more international work, partner with organizations and continue a relationship with them,” Dye said.
For more information on LU Serve Now, visit their website.
Smith is the news editor for the Liberty Champion. Follow her on X