What Black History Month means to Liberty students

The month of February is known as Black History Month, a time to celebrate and recognize the achievements, courage, bravery and beauty of African American culture and history.
According to the Library of Congress, the concept of a nationwide Black History Month started in 1915 and became an official law in February 1986.
This monthlong commemoration highlights the many African Americans who paved the way for freedom, growth, cultural achievement and diversity in the United States and around the world.
The Liberty Champion asked African American students to share what Black History Month means to them. Each one shines a light on the importance of celebrating African American history and excellence not only in February but during every day of the year.
Treazur Foster

I love that there is a month dedicated to celebrate African American culture and our many accomplishments. I think Liberty has done a great job recognizing the black community during Black History Month, but I would love to see more diversity in events like Convocation (outside of) Black History Month and Global Focus Week.
Culture should be celebrated more because it’s beautiful and a part of God’s design. As a minority, it’s normal to assimilate to the larger American culture because it saturates everything I’m around, but my parents always taught me to never forget who I am. It’s crucial that Americans, especially African Americans, remember our history and pass it on from generation to generation because if we don’t teach it, then who will?
I say to non-blacks: we love you. Don’t be afraid to engage with other cultures and, in humility, ask questions. I say to African Americans: share our culture, enlighten your friends in love. When you’re met with ignorance, extend grace and be proud to be (whom) God created you to be.
Kenneth Wingfield

To me, black history represents the endurance, strength, failures and victories made by the African/African American ancestors that have come before us. If it had not been for their actions, we as a people and ultimately a society would not be where we are today.
Black History Month is a time, amongst many others, when we must honor and learn from our predecessors so that we can serve in developing a brighter future, building upon the foundation laid by their life lessons. Liberty University operates as a taste of the world by hosting a vast variety of ethnicities from different corners of the earth.
The schedule of events here at Liberty University celebrating Black History Month serves to further inspire those already knowledgeable of black excellence, while simultaneously drawing in and educating new audiences. Although there is always room for improvement, Liberty is progressing in the right direction, gradually helping to alleviate biases through visual representation.
Emeden Regassa

Coming from a background of diverse cultures, Black History Month means a lot to me. It serves as a time (for) me to remember and honor the numerous accomplishments that our ancestors have contributed, as well as the challenges they have faced throughout history, so this really touches home to me.
The fact that Liberty is taking initiative for Black History Month is encouraging to fellow black students, helping us understand as well as share the history of our people amongst each other and others as well. It brings a sense of community to us to come together and honor the excellence of our people.
I can say that I am very proud to be a part of this history that allows me and my fellow sisters and brothers to be ourselves through our unique individuality and our deep roots. It also has been an amazing experience to come together and share the different events that Liberty has held over the years.
Tate is the Editor-in-Chief for the Liberty Champion. Follow her on Twitter

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