Liberty University Students Participate In Coed Kickball Tournament Hosted By Campus Recreation

Liberty’s Intramural Sports held a Coed Kickball Tournament, featuring 12 teams and over 200 participants on March 25 – 26.

Past kickball tournaments included four to six teams, but there were 12 teams competing in the 2022 kickball tournament, with such names as The New York Kicks, The Hurbs and God Squad. 

The winning team, We Sick Because We Kick, will be moving on to the championship held later this semester. 

“This is my first time playing intramural kickball, but it’s fun to build community with something competitive that’s not normally competitive,” said McKenna Boham, player on The Forge and Forg. “I love playing intramurals at school because it makes me be able to be friends with people I wouldn’t have known before.” 

This large intramural sporting event had  several fans in attendance to watch friends participate in a sport that many grew up playing as a traditional recess pastime. 

“I grew up playing kickball, and now I wanted to come out to support my friends. I appreciated seeing everyone have fun and enjoy life while playing a game of kickball,” said senior Kyle Joshua Snyder. “Intramural sporting events bring joy. I love the atmosphere and love the hype. It makes me happy.” 

In the intramural programs, the staff provides over 16 sport leagues each semester, along with multiple day long tournaments.

“Our programs allow competition amongst their peers,” said Steven Chamberlin, associate director of intramural sports. “This promotes a healthy physical lifestyle, provides an outlet to relieve the stress that college life can bring and helps sharpen leadership skills for both participants and intramural staff.” 

According to the PCFSN Science Board,  a student who participates in intramural sports may experience more social benefits and a sense of belonging which assists a student’s transition from college to real world experiences. 

“It’s a good time to hang out with friends and be competitive,” Elijah Kester, member of The New York Kicks, said.

This kickball tournament was coed, giving male and female students the opportunity to participate in a healthy and competitive physical activity together.

“I was a freshman last year, walking back to my dorm with my roommate, and a van pulled next to us. This guy rolled the
window down and said you guys are adamant kickball players, would you want to join the team,” said Kyra Azwar, a player on The New York Kicks. “It was really exciting because we actually won the championship last year. Kickball has had a special place in my heart, and I have made lifelong friends.”

Students can learn more about intramurals at Liberty by visiting

Barton is a news reporter.

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