Campus Recreation Hosts Bonfire Night At Hydaway Outdoor Center

Bonfires along the lake at Hydaway Outdoor Center warmed nearly 100 students during a cold night on March 25. 

Hydaway Outdoor Center invited students to the lakeside and set up several bonfire rings for students to keep warm as they visited with each other. S’mores were available for students.  

“We want people to get outside and have a relaxing night,” said Assistant Director of Outdoor Adventure Katy Ward. “(This is) a place where they can get away from home, work or (their) stress.”

Ward went on to say that this kind of event that Hydaway Outdoor Center offers gives students a chance to get outside and relax even if just for a few minutes. 

Bonfire Night was open to everyone including students, faculty and staff. Students swiped their Flames Pass to take advantage of the free event. 

The bonfires gave students a chance to forge new friendships. 

“It’s a good opportunity to come and just start chatting with people around a bonfire and some of the best conversations happen around a bonfire,” said Ward. “Step out. Take a breather and enjoy s’mores.”

Freshman Madi Winstead agreed with Ward. 

“Honestly, s’mores are really fun. It reminds me of home and (spending) time with my friends,” said Winstead. “And I love the smell of campfire.”

Senior Kailyn Shank said that she would like to bring a giant group of girls and play scary games like murder in the dark.

Hydaway Outdoor Center plans to hold Bonfire Nights every month both in the spring and fall semesters. 

For more information on Campus Recreation events, students can visit

Jang is a news reporter.

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