Liberty University announces acting president following Jerry Falwell Jr.’s indefinite leave of absence

Liberty University Board of Trustees Chairman Jerry Prevo will serve as the Acting President of the university.

This appointment follows Jerry Falwell Jr. taking an indefinite leave of absence from the position announced August 7. The decision was made earlier today with the complete support of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. 

Prevo has been a member of the university’s board since 1996 and has served as the board chairman since 2003. He recently retired after 47 years as senior pastor of Anchorage Baptist Temple in Anchorage, Alaska. Under his leadership, Anchorage Baptist Temple became one of the largest churches in the state. 

“I want to thank my fellow board members for having confidence that I could be entrusted with the responsibility of serving as the Acting President during this time of Jerry Falwell Jr’s indefinite leave of absence,” said Dr. Prevo in Liberty’s official news release. “We have a world-class leadership team at Liberty University who will support me in running our operations on a day-to-day basis and fulfilling our spiritual mission unabated: Training Champions for Christ.Please pray for us as well as the Falwell family as we embark on our academic year, and so we may continue to be united in our common purpose and our faith in Christ.”

Prevo has stepped back as chairman for the duration of his time serving as Acting President. He will begin his new role immediately and is expected to work from the main Lynchburg campus starting on August 17. 

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Savanna Graves is the News editor for the Liberty Champion. Follow her on Twitter @SavannaLeigh


  • As an alumni.1976 to 1980 and as a pastor all I can say the praise the Lord.this was a long time coming. Now instead of we the should go back to Champions for Christ. My heart rejoices

    • Yes. Champions for Christ. When I heard Dr. Falwell day that phrase on the OTGH years ago, it made me want to go to Liberty. Graduated 1987.

  • Praying for everyone.

  • Here’s to hoping for godly leadership to take the helm here at LU in this time of turmoil. I am a law student majoring in paralegal studies online at LU and while the vast majority of my time at the university has been positive there are my fair share of concerns.

    I will always be grateful for many of the godly professors who have dedicated their time and effort to teaching at Liberty. That being said, I am deeply disturbed not only by some of the controversy surrounding university president, Jerry Falwell Jr.

    The reports surrounding some of his indiscretions have been a concern for a while now with the report regarding the nightclubs and the more recent issue. I am equally disturbed by the drift from sound Biblical teaching and some of the curriculum used by the university.

    One such instance was my western cultural studies using curriculum that cast doubt upon the Bible and even at one point cast shade upon Christianity. Another instance would be a history class presentation from my spring semester downplaying and even portraying the Great Awakening in a negative light. I expect this sort of teaching from a college lacking Christian values and a college teaching revisionist history, but not from a college that is building champions for Christ.

    As a Christian and conservative, I came to Liberty University because I wanted to attend a school that taught and valued Christian and conservative values. I sincerely hope and pray that Liberty will make the right choice (whoever that may be) and appoint leadership that will hold to Biblical values that the university was founded upon going forward.

  • Thank you Dr. Prevo for agreeing to take on this task. I would very much like the option for online class or attend classroom-which ever way works best for the individual. I have twin daughters and I am recently widowed. The thought of my girls being exposed to all these students makes me very nervous! Thank you.

  • I am a graduate from Liberty Bible Inst. 1981. It always bothered me after Dr. Falwell passed away and Jerry Jr. took over the standards for students was lowered a great deal. You can be assured when the leadership lowers standards it is because they do no want to be under the previous set of standards. It is just a matter of time before we see evidence of the lack of control in the lives of those leaders . I thank God I was able to sit under such a great leader as Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr .

  • I am a 1990 graduate of Liberty. I served the university as well as the church and LCA on transportation staff. I served as a pastor on local church staff for 12 years and have been a business owner for the last 17 years in the financial markets. Jerry Senior , or Doc as he was known, was a true man of God, amazing leader, perfect face for the university and a friend. I am sad that Jerry Jr. could not live up to the standard set by his father. I pray that he will still be able to make an impact in another way. I have a sophomore daughter at Liberty and after visiting many times can see the environment has changed very much over thirty years. Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth and other “Ivy League”, schools started and grew with a christian foundation. All have forsaken the gospel, scripture and holy living. It happened over many years and decades one small step at a time. It would be a travesty to see Liberty follow this path one small step at a time. The name of the university is not Falwell University it is Liberty University. I say this not with malice but with calm assurance knowing the university belongs to the Lord. Liberty should have a strong unshakeable leader at its helm. I applaud the board on their decision and pray for wisdom for the future. I pray for Dr. Prevo taking the helm during these trying times in our country and world. Now more than ever we need strong leadership in every aspect of our faith and country. If there is anything I can do to help and not sit on the sidelines please contact me. Currently I am semi-retired, although a Jesus follower is never truly retired. My prayers are with you all.

  • Jerry Falwell, Jr., should not be rewarded for his hypocrisy, immorality, discrimination, or mismanagement of Liberty University’s safety and finances. I ask that the school’s Board of Trustees hold Falwell in breach of contract and deny him the golden umbrella of 10.5 million dollars he is set to receive. Think of what that money could do to educate students!!

  • Yes I agree. Revisionism and anti-Biblical curriculum have no place at Liberty. Stick to the facts of the Bible.

  • One such instance was my western cultural studies using curriculum that cast doubt upon the Bible and even at one point cast shade upon Christianity. Another instance would be a history class presentation from my spring semester downplaying and even portraying the Great Awakening in a negative light. I expect this sort of teaching from a college lacking Christian values and a college teaching revisionist history, but not from a college that is building champions for Christ.

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