Dreaming of doughnuts

Three men fulfill an ambition by selling sweet treats from a remodeled trailer

What do three young men, a refurbished trailer and a vision all have in common?


Accomplish— Mama Crockett’s is owned by F.W. Willis, Coulter Sims and Shad Sims. Photo provided

Accomplish— Mama Crockett’s is owned by F.W. Willis, Coulter Sims and Shad Sims. Photo provided

But, for co-business partners Coulter Sims and Shad Sims of Utah and F.W. Willis of Virginia, a dream of selling fresh doughnuts has become a reality. Unlike other doughnut bakers though, these three men sell their sweet treats out of a redone bright blue trailer with the name Mama’s Crockett’s Cider Donuts painted on the side.

Mama Crockett’s Cider Donuts opened last year and has turned into a favorite snack spot for many Central Virginians.

In April 2014, the three men began the Shaved Ice Shack in Buena Vista. But, as the weather turned colder, the men needed a way to transition their business to the winter months.

Then, in October of 2014, Mama Crockett’s Cider Donuts was formed. According to Coulter Sims, the idea for a doughnut stand was already in the works before the Shaved Ice Shack, but it took time for the idea to come to fruition.

“We pretty much had everything figured out except how to make doughnuts,” Willis said. “That really was the last thing.”

After securing a portable trailer in September and figuring out logistical issues, the business grew.

Willis said they set up Mama Crockett’s Cider Donuts at the Vintage Lynchburg Holiday Sale in November 2014 and the business blew up on Instagram and Facebook.

Though originally located in Buena Vista, Virginia, after the social media response in Lynchburg, Mama Crockett’s ventured to downtown Lynchburg regularly.

“The end of December was the first time we came down (to Lynchburg) and set up on (12th and Main),” Willis said. “It was going so well that we kind of realized that we needed to (sell doughnuts) all the time.”

Open Thursdays through Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mama Crockett’s Cider Donuts serves the community of Lynchburg on Main Street.

“Our business is more the way that we sell the doughnuts than it is about the doughnuts themselves,” Willis said.

The three men use Facebook almost daily to interact with fans, share the location of the trailer and inform customers of contests and giveaways.

The masterminds behind the doughnut trailer all agree that their favorite part of running such a unique business is
interacting with the customers.

pastries— Mama Crockett’s Cider Donuts opened up its window in October 2014. Photo credit: Lauren Adriance

Pastries— Mama Crockett’s Cider Donuts opened up its window in October 2014. Photo credit: Lauren Adriance

“I think meeting new people daily is probably the (most fun) thing, because it’s interesting the different perspectives people have and the reception they bring to the shack,” Shad Sims said.

“If you’re having a day where you’re going down to buy doughnuts from a trailer on the street, you’re probably having a good day,” Willis said. “We get to be a part of that all day long. We get the best part of people’s days. And that’s probably the coolest thing.”

Mama Crockett’s features a signature item, the Fire in the Hole, only available at certain times. The treat is a cup filled with two warm donuts, covered in a scoop of vanilla ice cream, topped with hot caramel.

With their small business on the rise, the three men hope to open a second trailer in the near future to keep up with the increasing demand.

College-age women, as well as women age 24-35, make up more than 50 percent of Mama Crockett’s Facebook fans, according to Willis. Down the road, according to Coulter Sims, the plan is to find a location closer to Liberty University.

“Who doesn’t get excited about ice cream on a hot donut?” Willis said.

For more information about Mama Crockett’s Cider Donuts and to keep up with the latest happenings, visit facebook.com/mamacrocketts.

RODRIGUEZ is a sports reporter.

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