Shooting a scene
Photographer from Nepal nabs a scholarship with his pictures
It was 15 years ago that the civil war broke out in Nepal. It was 15 years ago that the armies were torturing Christians and burning Bibles. It was 15 years ago that Noah Lhomi, his siblings and many other young people fled their small village and escaped to the capital city of Kathmandu, leaving their parents behind.
But it was only one year ago that a Liberty University student mission team traveled to this small Asian country of Nepal. It was there that they met Noah Lhomi, a young college student majoring in science.
But science was not Lhomi’s passion. He loved to draw. He loved photography. Art was his passion.
“I was a science student, but I was doing all of this photographing,” Lhomi said. “I was studying science for my career, but I was more interested in the arts.”
After continually praying for a camera, Lhomi said he received one as a gift from his dad about three years ago. He has been snapping pictures ever since.
The mission team told Lhomi about Liberty’s cinematic arts program and suggested he think about applying.
It was not long before Lhomi emailed some of the photographs he had taken to Reuben John, one of the Liberty students who had traveled to Nepal. John then forwarded those photographs to William Wegert, the dean of international students.
“Noah’s images were striking in many ways,” Wegert said. “His photographs drew me into the subject and reflected a maturity of expression that was very impressive. I wanted to see if we could get this young man here on our campus to grow in the Lord, further develop (his) skills, share his amazing story with the campus community and also capture a big vision for how he can serve God after graduation.”
Lhomi received an email one night from halfway across the world. It was from Liberty. Lhomi said he opened the email and was shocked to find an offer for the International Work Supplement Scholarship that would allow him to attend.
“I was led here by faith,” Lhomi said. “I didn’t have the money. I didn’t have anything.”
Lhomi walked through the doors of Liberty as a student for the first time this fall. He visited the Zaki Gordon Cinematic Arts Center and said he was impressed by all of the school’s film equipment.
“I wanted to study cinematic arts because I love video,” Lhomi said. “I want to make movies based on real life stories that
lead to God.”
Lhomi hopes those who are seeking God or need God will find him after watching his films.
Lhomi said he is grateful to have the opportunity to study at Liberty and be surrounded by such a godly environment. He knows God brought him here
for a reason.
“I ended up here because God wanted me here,” Lhomi said. “He wanted me (here) for a purpose.”