What you missed over summer

Liberty students who did not stay in Lynchburg over vacation missed many renovations, new business openings and pesky construction


The campus of Liberty University looks quite different this fall than it did in the spring. Construction projects designed to improve academic buildings, athletic facilities and much more are taking shape all across campus.

According to Charles Spence of the Office of the Chancellor, among the projects worked on over the summer were new East Campus intramural fields, a new East Campus parking lot, the rooftop terrace at DeMoss Hall, a new Vines Center practice facility, a new track surface and field improvements, and many more projects.

“The number one challenge is to keep the construction from causing a problem for the university so that they can educate the students in a manner that meets their needs and expectations,” Spence said. “Construction does cause a lot of inconvenience in a lot of areas, but hopefully at the end of it all we will turn over facilities that will enhance the education process.”

Dates of completion differ from job to job, but the goal remains the same: to make Liberty University a better place for students.


Bloop Frozen Yogurt has done it again, opening its new location on Wards Road, next to the new Chipotle. Many Liberty University students enjoy spending time at the local frozen yogurt shop.

“I love the atmosphere at Bloop,” Liberty University senior Ericka Fuller said. “It’s the perfect place to hang out with friends or to take your prayer group on Tuesday nights.”

Bloop offers a variety of flavors and toppings to choose from. They also give customers the chance to make their frozen yogurt unique every time.

“What sets Bloop apart from all of the other frozen yogurt places in Lynchburg is the fact that we serve better yogurt,” co-creator Daryl Calfee said. “Our product is superior in that it is a handmade product. If you pick strawberry yogurt, it’s going to have real strawberries.”

An added bonus is that every time you purchase a cup of frozen yogurt from Bloop, it provides a cup of clean drinking water for a third-world nation through their A Cup 4 a Cup initiative.


Liberty University students and locals alike have flocked to Wards Road for the grand opening of the newest addition to the restaurant chain: Chipotle. The long-anticipated eatery had been in the works for quite some time, but news of its coming traveled like wildfire before the construction of the structure ever started.

Chipotle’s menu is similar to most Mexican grill menus. However, according to the company’s official statement, what makes Chipotle stand out is their antibiotic, hormone-free and naturally-grown meat.

“I am so excited they finally put a Chipotle in town,” Liberty University senior Sandi Owens said. “I have been waiting for this moment since freshman year, and I have been there twice since this semester started.”

Michal Ann Buntain, a resident here in Lynchburg, conveyed that the lines out of the door and around the restaurant are worth it.

“I have been to Chipotle and I had to wait for over 30 minutes to get my food, but it was well worth the wait. Ever since the students have been back, it has gotten a lot busier, but I feel like it will calm down like Cookout did,” she said.

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