Why Seminary?
With your bachelor’s degree, God has shaped you into an adult and equipped you to serve him in your chosen profession.
Many times students ask, “What should I do next? I am getting ready to graduate, and I am not sure about my next step.” You have the skill sets that your major provided, but are you ready to lead in your
chosen field?
Maybe God has been working in your spirit about functioning in some leadership role in his church; equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.
Maybe he has been leading you to look at options related to serving as a leader as a bi-vocational minister. Are you ready to be a nurse and live among those who have never heard of Jesus?
As an advertising executive, are you also equipped to help plant a church in your neighborhood?
Seminary, like medical or law school, takes the concepts that you learned in your bachelors and trains you to serve as a leader among God’s people.
As your first step past your bachelor’s degree, a seminary master’s degree will enhance ministry skills that you can carry with you wherever your Christian journey takes you.
Other reasons you might want to think about continuing your education through Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (LBTS):
Competition. Getting a master’s degree will help you in the competitive job market. We all know that the unemployment rate is at an historical high. A master’s degree may give you the advantage that you need over other applicants.
Convenience. If you are attending Liberty University as a resident student, you already know the area, you may have a job locally, you have friends here and you probably attend a good church in the area.
You can earn your first master’s degree in just 36 hours. Our Master of Arts is created for you to finish in just 12 to 18 months. In addition, with our online delivery option, we are not only convenient, we
are flexible.
Cost. Out of the top 20 seminaries, LBTS is the second most affordable in the United States. Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. is committed to helping our students receive great training at an affordable price.
For more than 38 years, LBTS has been in the business of training “Champions for Christ.” We want to continue until Jesus returns, and we would love for you to come to LBTS.