Students lobby in D.C.
Liberty students move to initiate change
While the rest of campus was sound asleep, three concerned young ladies filled up a tank of gas on their own dime and drove northeast to the nation’s capital to lobby for a significant decrease in federal spending.
Amanda Haas, Caroline Biggs and Jessica Morrison of Liberty’s chapter of Concerned Women for America (CWA) made the three and a half hour trek to Washington, D.C. This was their second lobbying trip to D.C. Fifteen students participated in the first trip during the March for Life weekend.
The group left at 5 a.m. and did not return until after midnight. They lobbied from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“We were lobbying to get the Senate on board with cutting back on federal spending. A significant part of our national debt can be attributed to money that Congress allocates to Planned Parenthood. The House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) to decrease the budget but it passed without the Pence Amendment or any pro-life riders that prohibit abortion funding, “ Haas, President of Liberty’s Chapter of CWA said.
The fear is that majority leader Harry Reid will crush the CR in the Senate.
Planned Parenthood is a $1 billion organization that receives $363 million annually from the federal government and manages to make an $85 million profit. There are more than 4,500 Title X health care clinics for women nationwide. Only 800 of the 4500 are Planned Parenthood facilities. Planned parenthood is the number one abortion provider in America.
“Whether they are pro-life or pro-choice, Americans are up in arms over taxpayer dollars funding such an organization that not only provides the most abortions in the country, but has such a history of fraud,” Haas said.
Haas is a former theater major who told her Uncle that if Obama was elected to office she was going to switch her major to government: politics and policy. Haas never looked back.
The students went to three Senators’ offices who personally signed a letter to Vice President Joe Biden stating that no matter what, they would vote against any budget bill that would contains the Pence Amendment which would strip Planned Parenthood or any abortion provider of federal dollars.
“The primary factor that motivates me to lobby our Congressmen in D.C. is my passion for affecting policy in the U.S. for the benefit of my future as well as the future of my friends, family and country,” junior Caroline Biggs said. “Our elected representatives may seem so distant and difficult to reach with our voices, however, I would encourage everyone to take a lobbying trip so that they can utilize the most effective and personal tool accessible to us (with the exception of the ballot box) for communicating our concerns and wishes with those who represent us.” Biggs is a government major with a concentration in politics and policy.
Biggs is the Vice President of Liberty’s chapter of CWA.
“I have lobbied with CWA National twice, once in the House and once (this past trip) in the Senate. I find the experience to be very educational and rewarding,” Biggs said. “The idea of lobbying Congressmen may seem a little daunting at first, but CWA provides team leaders for each group who are primarily responsible for guiding the conversations, and so that takes the pressure off of the newer volunteers.”
Paying for the trip out of pocket did not deter the trio from making their voices heard in Washington.
“If you are striving to follow God, and you’re doing it his way, he’s going to take care of you,” Haas said.
The next lobbying trip is set for the end of May. If you are interested in participating, contact Amanda Haas at