Stand with Israel

The recent headlines which herald the tumultuous events occurring in the Middle East have arrested the attention and captured the imagination of Americans from every political spectrum. It is amidst these violent seas that America must reaffirm her ardent support of the State of Israel. In looking through the corridors of history, it becomes clear that Israel and the United States have a deep bond in their commitment to democratic principles that encourage freedom and oppose tyranny. The United States has done well to recognize the common ideology and social convictions shared with the State of Israel and to build a strong and lasting alliance upon these commonalities. Through military support, diplomatic arbitration, and private sector cooperation, Israel and the United States have and will continue to deepen the roots of their relationship. The case to maintain and strengthen the America-Israeli alliance does not fall before Republicans or Democrats individually, but upon all freedom loving Americans from every political facet in our great nation. In a Nation that prides itself on individual thinking and competition of ideals; few issues have warranted as much bipartisan support from United States as support for Israel has.

It is in concordance with this philosophy of bipartisan support of Israel that the College Republicans and College Democrats at Liberty University have come together to reaffirm support for the nation of Israel. The instability and fear spreading throughout the Middle East assures every American that there has never been a more important time for America to strongly support the State of Israel and the promotion of freedom in the region. Great strength can be found through unity and it is in pursuit of this strength that we as a university desire to proclaim our friendship with Israel. Our resolve must be unwavering and our support strong. As the leaders of the College Republicans and College Democrats at Liberty University, we stand in unison at the beginning of Israel Emphasis week to affirm our resolute support for the State of Israel.

Zac Martin and Jerry Griffin

Editor’s note: Martin is the President of the College Republicans and Griffin is the President of the College Democrats.


  • Zac and Jerry –
    I couldn’t agree more that support for Israel is extremely important. In that context, I assume that you support President Obama in his unwavering support for Israel’s security by maintaining existing aid to Israel, actually increasing aid by $200MM for the Iron Dome project, and taking military cooperation between the US and Israel to its highest levels ever.
    In addition, I am sure that you support his maintenance of the same policies towards Israel that all of the Presidents since Bill Clinton have maintained.
    Finally, I couldn’t agree more that Israel should remain a non-partisan issue. Therefore, I assume that you will strongly urge Lynne Torgerson to not use this issue during her current campaign.
    Thanks so much for your reaffirmation of the above principles

  • Pingback: Israeli Support Grows | The Voice of Liberty University

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