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Liberty Student Organizes the 1st Ever LU Murph Challenge

Friday, October 20, 2023 | 11:30 AM

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“We owe a lot to our veterans! Our veterans need our support – HELP US FIGHT!”

Nick Salonites is a current senior Liberty student who has taken on the task of putting on the First Annual MURPH Challenge Veteran Charity Event at Liberty. Nick was motivated to start this event by his grandfather who fought in WWII in the South Pacific. His appreciation for veterans and the things they sacrifice for our country influenced Nick to look for a way to support veterans. The MURPH Challenge is a well-known CrossFit workout named after Lt. Michael Murphy. The workout consists of a 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups, 300 air squats, then another 1-mile run. The challenge will take place during Homecoming on November 4th and includes competitive and non-competitive heats. In addition to the workout, food, music, and guest speakers will be present to encourage fellowship and community in honor of veterans.

The goal is to raise $100,000 to support veterans as they come back from serving our country. The donations will be sent to the National Center for Healthy Veterans. Nick described the mission statement as, “to bring glory to God by honoring the sacrifices made by U.S. military members, connect the Liberty student body with the local veteran community, and bring further public awareness that 22 veterans take their own lives daily!”