LaHaye encourages wellness

Three-part health seminar allows students to learn simple steps for stress prevention from health professionals

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - The seminar, entitled "Why weight: Food for Fitness," informed students about healthy eating habits. Photo credit: Macklyn Mosley

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – The seminar, entitled “Why weight: Food for Fitness,” informed students about healthy eating habits. Photo credit: Macklyn Mosley

The LaHaye Student Union continued its Health and Wellness Series committed to keeping the college student’s fear of the “Freshman 15” at bay Wednesday, Oct. 9.

The three-part series focuses on lifestyle changes that students can make to reduce stress with simple steps to better their health and wellness.

The first edition to the Wellness Series began this semester, Sept. 11, with a seminar on fitness and tailoring a personal program.

“It’s important to have the information and to be aware of wellness and the nutrition that so many students struggle with,” Jamie Swyers, the associate director of fitness at the LaHaye Student Union, said.

Robin Quay, who spoke at the second event of the series Wednesday, is a registered Liberty dining dietitian. She has been working for Sodexo for six years and presents students with various ways to get their daily nutrition.

During her seminar “Why Weight: Food for Fitness,” Quay told students why starting healthy eating habits in college is important.

“Fifty percent to 75 percent of health issues in this country are due to dietary issues,” Quay said. “What you do now is going to affect what you do later, especially the things that you eat now.”

Quay presented students with three main points and encouragement with finding healthy food to eat in the Reber-Thomas Dining Hall on campus.

Her first point was to always plan ahead. According to Quay, a student should plan out meals before eating them. All the meals and menus for Reber-Thomas Dining Hall are posted on in advance.

“We do not plan to fail. We fail to plan,” Quay said.

Another point was to eat regularly. Quay said eating can actually help with stress if the food eaten is nutritious. She said to stay away from unhealthy carbohydrates found in white bread, pasta, rice and drinks such as sodas, juices or sports drinks. Quay encouraged students to read the labels on protein or nutrition bars, and try to keep the ingredients on the label to four or five.

Lastly, Quay mentioned that no one can do it alone.

“You have to rely on God’s power,” Quay said. “Share it with a friend to keep you accountable.”

The students were given recipes for healthy nutrition bars and “A Simple Guide to Good Eating,” which states being healthy starts with the definition of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

“I did not know how bad protein bars were or how many healthy choices there are to eat on campus,” Rachel Edrington, a communications student who attended the event, said. “I will definitely start reading the labels from now on.”

According to the LaHaye Student Union, all Liberty faculty, staff and students are welcome to attend the event where they can expect to learn more about fitness, nutrition and wellness each month in the aerobics room. Refreshments and multiple prizes are also provided for the guests.

The last edition to the series, “T.H.I.N.K. Your Better Way to Better Health,” will be presented by Dr. Annette Florence Nov. 13, according to the Splashpage.

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