ABOVE: Liberty founder Dr. Jerry Falwell speaking at an ‘I Love America’ rally at the Texas State Capitol in 1980
A Christian Education for Truth
American higher education originally rested on the foundation of biblical Christianity. Early colleges, religious in nature, emphasized Christian values and biblical truths. Over time, these colleges abandoned the religious messages of their founders. By the late 20th century, universities were increasingly hostile to Christianity, promoting liberalism, secularism, humanism, and statism. By the early 21st century, universities advocated neo-Marxist critical theories, and even Christian colleges were being infected by woke progressivism.
Liberty University is unique — and unique by intention. The university’s founder, Dr. Jerry Falwell, established a 10-point plan for the future that emphasized academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, including strong spiritual disciplines, the Christian worldview, and traditional moral values. The university’s unprecedented enrollment growth went hand in hand with Dr. Falwell’s distinctively Christian agenda.
The university’s plan, for instance, emphasizes Scripture. While the university would pursue the highest level of academic accreditation, “it does so without compromising its commitment to the principles of God’s Word.” Our commitment to Scripture is unwavering.
University documents consistently emphasize biblical commitments. Doctrinal standards affirm that the Bible “was supernaturally inspired … (and) is therefore inerrant in the originals and authoritative in all matters.” Our Worldview Statement affirms that “God exists and is the source of all things, all truth, all knowledge, all value, and all wisdom … it follows that truth exists and that there is a standard of right and wrong.”
Some say that our age is post-modern, post-Christian, and now even post-truth. At Liberty, we believe in Truth — and we believe in the authority of God’s Word.
I start every academic year by reminding faculty of another vision point from the founder. Liberty was to have “an uncompromising doctrinal statement, a Christian worldview, an absolute repudiation of ‘political correctness,’ a strong commitment to political conservatism, total rejection of socialism, and strong support for America’s economic system of free enterprise.” There is absolute clarity in the founding vision for Liberty University.
Founded in 1971, Liberty grew during a dramatic time of national challenges. Social issues (sexual permissiveness, abortion, drugs), political challenges (Vietnam, Watergate), and economic woes (staggering inflation) dominated the news. For many, it seemed like the American Dream was dying.
Always optimistic, Dr. Falwell took action. In 1978, he took Liberty University singers to 150 cities as part of an “America, You Are Too Young To Die!” tour. In 1979, he and Liberty students traveled to Washington, D.C., and 44 state capitals with an “I Love America” tour. The messages were patriotic and evangelistic, featuring the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14.
An unforgettable Convocation started the academic year in 2002. Nearing 70, Falwell faced questions about retirement. He usually mentioned a “30-year plan.” In the next 30 years, he wanted to recapture America, win the world to Jesus Christ, and then sit in his rocking chair at the gate of Liberty University to welcome the children and grandchildren of alumni as they came to study. His optimism about America’s future and the role of Liberty University was limitless and infectious.
Liberty University has an amazing history with an amazing mission. It emphasizes biblical values, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and America’s Christian heritage.
President Dondi Costin regularly reminds faculty that we are “minders of the mission.” It is our obligation, and indeed our great privilege, to continue the original vision for Liberty University. Our fundamental standards are unaltered. Our purpose — to Train Champions for Christ — remains constant. Our potential to influence the nation and the world is unparalleled.
Dr. Roger Schultz is a professor of history and the dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at Liberty University.