There’s a verse in the book of Matthew that accentuates God’s desire for all of us to care about others: “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.’” (Matthew 25:40*)
This is an important reminder of what it means to be a Christ follower. We are commanded to love others no matter their status or position.
This is a foundational truth upon which Liberty University was built. I remember as my dad led one of the great churches in our country (Thomas Road Baptist Church) and one of the greatest universities on the planet (Liberty University), he never lost sight of his responsibility to minister to people. This was a lesson he instilled in me as I was growing up, and later when I entered the ministry. He reminded me often to always care for and love people no matter who they might be. He not only said these words to me, but he also lived it out.
One of my favorite photographs of my dad was taken by a dear friend of mine, Les Schofer, which showed Dad in a large auditorium after he had preached to a packed house. The photo was taken long after the event had ended. My dad had a habit of standing around down front after every church service or speaking engagement to talk to anyone who wanted to see him. This photo reflects dad still standing at the front of the auditorium, after the crowds had departed, speaking to one individual who had waited a considerable amount of time to see him. My dad’s hand was resting upon this man’s shoulder as they conversed privately.
I have no idea what these two discussed as this photo was taken. What I do know is this photo was taken at the end of a very long day. A day which was full of meetings, interviews, and finally preaching to a large crowd. And I know my dad had to catch a flight after this event to come home to Lynchburg. With all he had done that day and as tired as he must have been, he still made time to minister to and encourage this young man amid an empty convention center.
This photo captures what I learned and saw in my dad so many times: people matter. And this is what I believe Liberty University still does so well today. We care about people. We know our mission is to Train Champions for Christ, and to be successful in this endeavor, it requires caring about people no matter the situation. This is what I believe sets Liberty apart from so many other institutions. We recognize every student at Liberty University is important, whether they attend residentially or online.
I have often witnessed professors who take the time to pray with students who are going through difficult times before or after a class, regardless of their busy schedules. I’ve seen staff members take the time to stop and talk to students in the hallways for extended conversations to encourage them in their college years. I’ve heard of stories where our online counselors have taken moments to pray with students who have called during difficult hardships in their lives. These stories are not the exception but the rule at Liberty.
We must always remember the power of one. While the world might always be seeking to climb the ladder of success, status, power, or fame, it is incumbent upon all Christ followers to remember the example of Jesus. He was often found slipping away from the accolades of the crowds to minister to one person at a time. And this is exactly what He expects from us.
My prayer is that Liberty University will never lose sight of this important truth. No matter how big Liberty may become in the days ahead, every student matters. I pray this will also be found true in how you live your life. Always care about the “least of these.”
*Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, Tenn.: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020)
Jonathan Falwell has served as Liberty’s chancellor since March 2023 and as senior pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church since 2007. He has spent his lifetime associated with the ministries of Liberty and TRBC, both founded by his father, Jerry Falwell Sr.