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Helms School of Government holds public policy research conference

April 22, 2022

Liberty University’s Helms School of Government hosted leading policy minds on campus March 24-26 for its second annual academic research conference, “A Nation Divided? Assessing Freedom & the Rule of Law in a Post-2020 World.” Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin gave the keynote address during Convocation on March 25.

More than 400 registered attendees heard from an impressive roster of panelists that included former Virginia governors Bob McDonnell and George Allen, the new Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates Todd Gilbert, Virginia Senator Steve Newman, and members of the Family Research Council, Forge Leadership Network, the Heritage Foundation, and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

Panels covered a variety of pressing foreign and domestic concerns, including the heightened Russia-Ukraine conflict, the state of Virginia’s legislature, Critical Race Theory’s threat to education, and a broad volley of national security, legal, regulatory, and international issues. 

The School of Government regularly provides students with opportunities to research and engage with America’s leading policy voices. In addition to panels, more than 70 government students and faculty presented their own research through 14 breakout sessions. Topics ranged from COVID-19 pandemic policies to reclaiming federalism and self-government, confrontations with China, and education policy.  

Read more at Liberty.edu/News.

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