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Faculty and Staff Achievements

October 31, 2019

COUNSELING TODAY: Two counseling professors, Dr. Kevin Hull (top) and Dr. Brad Imhoff (bottom), were featured in the August 2019 issue of Counseling Today magazine in an article focused on social anxiety, a treatable condition commonly mistaken for shyness or awkwardness. Hull, a licensed mental health counselor, specializes in autism spectrum disorder and has written several books on play therapy. He advises children, teenagers, adults, and families through his multidisciplinary counseling practice in Lakeland, Fla.

Imhoff, also a licensed professional counselor, specializes in addictions counseling, specifically as it relates to the opioid epidemic. His expertise also stretches to mood and anxiety disorders, as well as grief and group counseling. Read the article at CT.Counseling.org.



FUTURE OF LAW: B. Keith Faulkner, dean of Liberty University School of Law, has been appointed to the Future of Law Committee of the North Carolina Bar Association for the 2019-20 fiscal year. The committee tracks and analyzes the impact of leading-edge technology in the law.


SPARKING INTEREST: Engineering professor Dr. John Vadnal presented a Special Interest Session on why students should become engineers at the 2019 National TSA (Technology Student Association) Conference in Washington, D.C., to middle and high school students, parents, and coaches. Vadnal also represented Liberty during a meet-and-greet session and served as a judge for the national TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science) competition. Close to 4,000 students participated in this year’s conference, held June 28-July 2. Vadnal is in his 14th year at Liberty and previously worked with the distance learning program. Before his administrative and teaching career, Vadnal worked for Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Duke Power Company, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

ART AT OXFORD: Todd Smith, chair of Liberty’s Department of Studio & Digital Arts, went to Oxford University on an academic visitorship in June to conduct research related to the 19th century Oxford Movement, its leaders, and the impact it has had on the arts in American Christianity. The research builds on his book, “A Creative Church: The Arts and a Century of Renewal.” Smith was also commissioned by Oxford to create a sculpture of St. Hugh of Avalon, which is on permanent display at St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. The sculpture is highlighted on ArtUK.org, a repository of all major artwork in England.

FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR: Dr. Andrew Behnke, assistant professor at Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine (LUCOM), received a Fulbright grant to advance medical education in Moldova, a small European country neighboring Romania. The prestigious Fulbright Scholar Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Only 800 grants are awarded each year to allow professors to teach and conduct research abroad. Behnke will teach at Moldova’s primary medical school, Nicolae Testemiţanu, and develop a Western-based curriculum for its administrators and students. At LUCOM, Behnke teaches internal medicine and endocrinology, specializing in nutrition and diabetes. In addition to teaching, Behnke sees patients as an endocrinologist at the Liberty Mountain Medical Group. He is a member of the Lynchburg Academy of Medicine, Medical Society of Virginia, and American Diabetes Association.

AWARD BOARD: The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) named Anita Satterlee, online dean for the Liberty University School of Business, to the Board of Examiners for the 2019 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
The award is the nation’s highest honor for organizational innovation and performance excellence. Satterlee also served on the Board of Examiners for the 2019 U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Award (SPQA) for Virginia and Washington, D.C.

CHILD ADVOCATE: Dr. Judith Reisman, research professor at the Liberty University School of Behavioral Sciences, spoke to the Polish Parliament on June 7 and at the Parents’ Rights Rally on June 8. As an author and child advocate, Reisman has focused much of her work on fighting pornography as a pandemic and exposing eugenicist Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey’s fraudulent research and education. She is the founder and director of The Reisman Institute, which is dedicated to educating the public about the dangers children face from the onslaught of explicit sexuality and sexual exploitation. Her book “Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences” was recently translated into Chinese.

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