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Ralph and Joan Campbell

Charitable gift annuities directly support Liberty’s mission

October 22, 2014

In recent years, Liberty has experienced an increase in the number of people who are choosing to give through charitable gift annuities (CGAs). In the past fiscal year, donors invested nearly $5 million into Liberty’s annuity program.

Ralph and Joan Campbell, proud parents of Liberty alumni, said they chose this popular avenue for giving early in their retirement because it’s a “win-win situation.”

“A CGA with Liberty is a rewarding financial investment that provides us with supplemental income at a high fixed rate of return that is not subject to the ups and downs of the market. It also provides substantial tax breaks. But most importantly, we experience the satisfaction of knowing that our gift is helping Liberty spread the Gospel by providing an excellent Christ-centered education to the next generation of world-changers.”

An annuity can be established for a minimum of $5,000 with no maximum amount.

The Campbells said they also have financial peace of mind knowing that a CGA with Liberty provides them a guaranteed income for life and is backed by a university that retains a strong credit rating. Liberty was the first evangelical Christian university to surpass $1 billion in net assets, placing it among the nation’s most financially stable private universities.

“It is evident to us that God has blessed Liberty with financial and academic strength, but what has ultimately led us to work with Liberty through the CGA program is our conviction that God is using Liberty to raise up young men and women who are intellectually and spiritually equipped to bear witness to Christ in their chosen fields.”

  • To receive a personal annuity fact sheet, call (800) 543-5309.

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