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Stalking Awareness

Stalking is a dangerous and serious crime and a violation of University policy. Some common behaviors that may be defined as stalking, if they cause fear, are:

  • Repeated unwanted text messages or social media contact
  • Surveillance 
  • Unwanted gifts or notes

Title IX and the Clery Act define stalking as:

Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to (1) fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or (2) suffer substantial emotional distress.

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Stalking is strictly prohibited at Liberty University and is a violation of Liberty University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy

Stalking Statistics

Common Impacts of Stalking

How Can We Work To Prevent Stalking

If you have experienced stalking, please remember your options to get help:

  • Contact LUPD 
  • Talk to your RA, RS or other trusted leader
  • Report your experience to the Office of Equity and Compliance
  • Talk to your parents or other trusted family members for additional support
  • Contact a Confidential Advocate through the LU Shepherd’s Office
  • If you experience an emergency, please call 911
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