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Online Contract Tracking

  • Online faculty contracts reflect compensation that includes the base rate for the contract term. Salary compensation is received on the 15th and the last day of each month.
  • Once the online faculty contract hours have been fulfilled, online faculty members will receive overload compensation for any LUO courses taught.
  • Faculty with an online contract may also be an Instructional Mentor (IM). IM compensation, as applicable, is received on the 15th and the last day of each month as a salary payment.
  • Overload compensation is calculated on the base rate only. IM compensation is included in the salaried amount and SME compensation is calculated based on load hours for the course and is not contingent on overload hours.
  • Contract/load hours and associated compensation will be pro-rated if an LUO course is under-enrolled with less than 10 students on day 15 of the sub-term. For questions regarding enrollment, please review the LUO Enrollment Policy and the LUO Under-Enrollment Matrix.
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