Persuasion – SCOM 345

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

Analysis and practice of techniques used to change attitudes, beliefs, and behavior in various communication contexts. (Formerly COMS 345)

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


It is important as Christian communicators whose goal it is to influence society for Christ, to use persuasive methods, which are ethically sound in all communication practices. Further, because persuasive messages bombard us continuously, we need to protect ourselves from those who would use persuasion abusively. Attention will be given to both classical and contemporary theories of persuasion and their ethical use in given contexts. The student will be an active participant in developing and analyzing persuasive messages within the contexts of public speaking.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Class Overview.

Journal Writing Assignments (8)

The student will respond to multiple questions provided in the assignment instructions each week and write a brief response to each question using current APA format. These questions will develop the student’s thoughts about persuasion theory and techniques covered during each module.

Speech Assignments (6)

The student will develop and deliver two persuasive speeches in front of a listening audience of their choosing. One speech will be an advocacy/defense speech where the student’s goal is to defend or advocate a value or belief that they hold. The second speech will be a problem–solving speech where the student’s goal is to analyze a problem and persuade an audience to take a specific course of action to solve the problem.

Quizzes: Speech: Topic Submission (2)

The student will submit a topic for approval via one file-upload question. These quizzes will allow unlimited time and unlimited attempts. Topic ideas should be approved by the instructor before too much work is done on the project.

Speech Assignments (2)

The student will submit a recording of the speech, an outline, and a reference page. The first speech must be 6-7 minutes, while the second must be 7-8 minutes. Each speech must be presented in front of an audience of at least five people. The outline must include four levels, and at least five sources must be cited that must be included in the references page. A PowerPoint may be used if it helps the student accomplish the persuasive goal but is not required.

Peer Review Discussions: Speech Submission (2)

After submitting the Speech Assignment, the student must post a YouTube link of the speech to a Peer Review Discussion Thread to be reviewed by classmates. The student will then complete five Peer Review Discussion Forms as Discussion Replies.

Persuasion Analysis Paper Assignments (2)

Using APA format, the student will write two papers. The first paper is a research proposal paper of 4–5 pages in length with 20 cited sources on a proposed area of research. The second paper will carry out the approved proposal in a 10–12 page paper with 10 cited sources doing original research in the area of persuasion. Both the proposal and the research paper will analyze the persuasion used in a political or religious speech or public campaign, a social, religious or political movement, or several artifacts in an advertising campaign. Much of the work required for the proposal written in 1st person will be used again in the research paper written in 3rd person, so there will be some overlap.

Quizzes (2)

Quiz Midterm: The midterm exam covers the reading from the first 4 modules. Questions will consist of true/false and multiple choice. The midterm exam has 100 questions, is open-book/open-notes, and the student will need to complete the exam in 2 hours.

Quiz Final: The final exam covers the reading in the final 4 modules. Questions will consist of true/false and multiple-choice. The exam has 100 questions, is open-book/open-notes, and the student will need to complete the exam in 2 hours.