Grant Writing and Publication – NURS 837

CG • Section 8WK • 07/01/2018 to 12/31/2199 • Modified 02/09/2022

Course Description

This course is designed to provide writing experiences which prepare the learner for manuscript and grant proposal submissions. This introductory experience into the grant process from proposal to funding to management will include project management, funding sources, and funding challenges. Other course requirements include a research proposal (manuscript) that is ready for submission for publication and development of a dissertation proposal.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


As nurse researchers, it is essential to demonstrate an understanding of funding resources, and the grant writing and application process to support education, research, and scholarship through obtaining successful funding awards. Scholarly writing skills for publication are also an essential component for scholars to disseminate findings and add to the literature.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in Module 1: Week 1.

Discussions (2)

Discussion assignments are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. Each thread will demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. For each of the Peer-Review Discussion (Grant Proposal and Manuscript Assignments) Work is to be completed in the previous week group assignment. When responding to in the Discussions, do not attach documents of and supportive nature. Only peer-review replies in text format should be added. (CLO B, C, E). 


The student will complete an assigned workshop related to types of grant funding available including federal, state, and private funders. Student will learn to navigate various federal and private data bases and websites. The learning outcomes in this module will be utilized in other assignments. Student will complete all sections of the Funders Workshop Template and submit via Turnitin plagiarism tool during Module 1: Week 1. (CLO A, B, D). 


The student will complete a two-part grant workshop. Part one will provide an opportunity to review various type of grants, and the funding provided. Part two will expand on the grant program/project selected for this course. This assignment will be a typed paper in APA format and will include a title page, body of paper addressing the requested information, and a reference page listing all references included annotated bibliography resources.  Part 1. Students will write a narrative describing each of the following types of grants. Part 2 Students will write a draft outline for their proposed grant based on the criteria from the funding request. Students will also write an annotated bibliography consisting of 5 – 7 peer reviewed articles that support the topic of the proposed grant topic from module one, which will be used during this course. Assignment will be submitted Submit via Turnitin plagiarism tool no later than Module 2: Week 2. (CLO A, B, C, D).

Written Assignment

This week students will write a draft grant proposal based on the criteria outlined in the funder’s request for proposal (RFP)/guidelines. Students will select a grant from the from the NLN Nursing Education Research Grants web page.  The draft proposal will be written according to grant criteria and will consist of 10 – 15 pages of text. Students will submit the draft proposal written according to grant guidelines free from formatting, spelling and grammatical errors, along with a copy of the grant submission guidelines via Turnitin plagiarism tool no later than Sunday on Module 3: Week 3 and also submit to an assigned group room in Canvas for a peer-review exercise via Discussion the next week. Attachments shall not be permitted in the Discussion, only supportive replies in text format. (CLO B, C, D).

Written Assignment

The final grant proposal is based on the criteria outlined in a selected specific grant request for funding, “grant criteria” from the NLN Nursing Education Research Grants web page. The proposal will be written according to grant criteria and will consist of 15 – 20 pages of text. Specific elements will be provided if not included in the request for proposal. The proposal may have more elements based on the funding criteria discussed in the grant request for funding proposal (RFP), etc. and students are encouraged to follow the guidelines in the RFP related to format, margins, etc. Be sure to follow all guidelines found in the RFP such as font size, margins, etc. Please submit the final proposal written according to grant guideline, free from formatting, spelling and grammatical errors via Turnitin plagiarism tool no later than Sunday Module 4: Week 4. (CLO  B, C. D). 


This workshop provides the student an opportunity to review resources for writing for publication. Students will navigate through and familiarize themselves with writing for publication resources. Additionally, the opportunity to explore nursing journals and the publication requirements for prospective authors will provide the background for the development of students’ manuscript for this course. Types of manuscripts to consider include: commentaries, letters to the editor, narrative stories, reflections, case studies. Due to time constraints, research articles should not be considered for the upcoming assignments. Students will complete all elements of the workshop including the Christian worldview, reference page including all references used and the Bible. The paper will be written in current APA format and style, approximately 9 – 13 pages in length, and submitted no later than Sunday Module 6: Week 6. (CLO E, F). 

Written Assignment

This week, students will write a draft manuscript based on the criteria outlined in the Journal’s author’s guidelines. The manuscript should conform to the author guidelines specific for the type of manuscript and the journal. Students will submit the draft manuscript with a title page and reference page typed according to manuscript guidelines (note there may be some variation from current APA). Students will submit the draft manuscript and a copy of the manuscript guidelines via Turnitin plagiarism tool and an assigned group room in preparation for a peer-review manuscript exercise via discussion the next week, no later than Sunday Module 7: Week 7. Supporting documents shall not be attached in the Discussion, only peer-review recommendations in text format.   (CLO E, F,). 

Written Assignment

This week, students will write a final manuscript based on the criteria outlined in the journal’s author’s guidelines. The manuscript should conform to the author guidelines specific for the type of manuscript and the journal. Students will submit the final manuscript with a title page and reference page typed according to manuscript guidelines (note there may be some variation from current APA). Submit the final manuscript and a copy of the manuscript guidelines via Turnitin plagiarism tool no later than Friday Module 8: Week 8. (CLO E, F).