Integrated Capstone – INFO 690

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/01/2024

Course Description

The capstone is an opportunity for the students to demonstrate their analytical, design, research, and management skills to solve a specific problem outlined within current information technology literature. Students will validate their abilities to develop effective health informatics solutions through a thesis project that addresses a complex issue within this field. If completed successfully, the capstone project signifies the completion of the health informatics program.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


As the final course in the program, the integrated capstone offers the opportunity for the student to demonstrate his/her comprehension of this field by developing a defensible master’s thesis. The course serves as a final benchmark of the student’s knowledge of information technology.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and lecture presentations

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Discussions (5)

Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. Each thread must be at least 500 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, use relevant scholarly journals, an show theoretical findings from literature. At least 4 sources are required for the thread. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to at least 3 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be at least 200 words, use relevant scholarly journals, and show theoretical findings from literature. At least 3 sources are required for each reply.

Master’s Thesis Assignments (3)

The student will write a Master’s Thesis in current APA format that focuses on a feasible problem in the information technology domain of literature. The conclusive thesis will perform a review of related literature on an HIT problem, outline a research methodology, objectively implement the supported research method, and discuss the results of the research performed. The thesis will be 15–20 pages and require 15–20 citations. The thesis will be submitted in 3 phases as outlined within the course.