Practicum – HLTH 698

CG • Section 16WK • 11/10/2019 to 04/18/2020 • Modified 03/06/2024

Course Description

A real world field experience helping the student to integrate public health competencies through field practice and course assignments designed to provide opportunities to help hone skills for their future role as a public health professional. This course is conducted in a 16-week format to provide adequate time to gain valuable experience and fully develop a public health project or complete a public health research with a population impact.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


A real-world field experience will help the student to integrate all the public health competencies through practice and to provide an opportunity to hone skills for his/her future role as a public health professional. This course is conducted such as to provide adequate time to gain valuable experience and either fully develop a public health project or complete meaningful public health research.

Course Assignment

Textbook readings and personal research

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Logic Model Assignment

Using the provided template, the student will create a logic model. This tool will help organize the practicum outcomes and objectives. (CLO:  D,E)

The student will complete a synthesized outline to develop and describe action steps they intend to take to achieve their SMART objectives in no more than 3 pages. The student will include background information such as the statistics and population of their project paper's problem. Based on this problem and its background information, the student will then describe their intended impact, and how they will achieve their SMART objectives. (CLO: C, D)

Instructor Contact Assignments (4)

The student will connect with the instructor via Microsoft Teams during Scheduled Contacts 4 times throughout the program. These may be group contacts or 1-1. Instructor contacts are designed to discuss project progress during the course, relay important information for the assignments, and to ensure successful completion of the practicum through personal connection and problem solving. (CLO: A, B, C, D)

Project Paper Assignments (7)

(Meets Course Learning Outcomes B-H)

The student will write a project paper based on the practicum applying an integrative learning experience. this will take the form of a  scholarly-level research project complete with methodologies, data analysis, results, and discussion presenting their work developing deliverables that meet SMART objectives designed to lead towards impact on a population. Time spent researching for the background of their population and public health problem/paper will not count as practicum site hours. For the student choosing to participate in an ongoing public health program design or evaluation, the paper will take the form of a case study describing and evaluating the particulars of the program, which again will follow the framework of process and outcome SMART objectives, methods, results, and discussion.

The final document and all citations are expected to meet the standards of the current AMA Style Manual and be of publication quality. The paper will be developed throughout the term according to the stages below. In addition to an appropriate draft submission at each stage, the student will also complete a peer review for each stage of development. Peer reviews will be assessed for level of critique, depth, and completeness.

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

The student will choose 20 primary, scholarly sources from peer-reviewed journal research articles and primary government studies as sources to create an Annotated Bibliography. Annotations must be 100–200 words for each source and formatted appropriately per AMA. (CLO: D, E, F).

Section: Introduction Assignment

This section will establish the boarder background for the practicum, define the central public health problem which is the focus area of the practicum, and address the student’s rationale for pursuing this specific area. A minimum of 5 primary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and/or government primary studies must be included. (CLO: B, C, D, E, F).

Section: Methods Assignment

The student will give a step-by-step description of the activities that have been or will be undertaken during the practicum. The student must use best practices found in the research literature as a guideline. A minimum of 3 primary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and/or government primary studies must be included. (CLO: B, D, E, F).

Section: Results Assignment

The instructor will assume that the student has not yet collected the final data during the initial draft of the results. However, the student will be required to present a framework for the results documenting an ability to align their SMART objective measurable intention with a presentation of data using narrative, and visual tactics.  The student must be able to present a concept for the graphs, tables, and figures needed for the final version at this stage. (CLO: B, C, D, E, F).

Section: Rough Draft Assignment

The student will submit a rough draft that combines the work completed in the previous stages, as well as includes a properly written Discussion section, Further for the rough draft the student needs to consider a proper conclusion to the paper and transition throughout the project between sections. The Rough Draft is expected to be roughly 20 pages of content, (not including the cover page and references, or appendices) and include all 20 primary, scholarly sources from peer-reviewed journal research articles and primary government studies as sources. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E, F).

Section: Peer Editing Assignments

After completing each draft section, the student will be assigned to provide a peer review/editorial review for a classmate during development of each section of the paper that requires the use of the Review functions on Word. The Peer Review requires the applications of critical reading, critical writing, and critical thought. (CLO: C,F).

Final Assignment

The Final Assignment will be submitted after receiving feedback from multiple peers, and the Instructor. Using this feedback the student is expected to refine the final paper and ensure their work meets a professional level of writing. The final work is expected to be roughly 20 pages (not including the cover page, references, or appendices) and include all 20 primary, scholarly sources from peer-reviewed journal research articles and primary government studies as sources. The student must meet all required formatting requirements for the submission guidelines and AMA, including a final abstract The student will submit this assignment via Turnitin without subjecting it to further peer editing. (CLO: A-F).

Video Presentation Assignment

The student will create an original video presentation of his or her practicum recording and upload their Recording within PowerPoint, The video must be 8–10 minutes and provide a professional overview of the practicum’s purpose, design accomplishments, and recommendations. The Video PowerPoint must be accompanied by 5–8 slides must be uploaded with the oral presentation. (CLO: F)

Preceptor Evaluation Assignment

Preceptors will be contacted and supplied an evaluation form by the  Director of Practicum. The preceptor will evaluate the demonstrated level of student engagement, professionalism, and competency during the practicum. A numeric grade will be assigned to the student for this element based on the preceptor evaluation. A minimum of 120 hours of experience will be required to garner full credit for this portion of the grade. (CLO: A, B, D).