Research Methods for Christian Leadership V – CLED 900

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/19/2024

Course Description

This course is designed to develop research proficiency necessary for the creation of the third chapter of the research prospectus. The course will include content on population and sampling procedures, instrument design and validation, data collection and analysis, and data reporting, as these concepts apply to quantitative and qualitative research. As part of this course, students will complete the comprehensive exam requirement of the program, details of which are found in the program handbook.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


Social research focuses on people in their contexts. This course will equip the student to conduct social research by developing the third chapter of the Prospectus and assembling the first draft of the dissertation Prospectus. The chart below identifies the linkage between the research course sequence, this course, and the steps in the dissertation development process.


Research Product

CLED 730 Research Methods for Christian Leadership I

Deconstructing a Dissertation

CLED 770 Research Methods for Christian Leadership II

Three Potential Dissertation Profiles

CLED 805 Research Methods for Christian Leadership III

Chapter One of the Prospectus

CLED 830 Research Methods for Christian Leadership IV

Chapter Two of the Prospectus

CLED 900 Research Methods for Christian Leadership V

Chapter Three of the Prospectus/Comps

CLED 905 Research Methods for Christian Leadership VI

The Prospectus and The IRB Process

CLED 989 Dissertation Research & Writing

Researching and Writing the Dissertation

CLED 990 Dissertation Defense

Dissertation Completed and Defended


Course Assignment

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.

Textbook Readings and Watch Items

Discussions: Prospectus Chapter Three: Parts One & Two Peer Reviews (2)

The student will prepare the third chapter of the Prospectus following the instructions provided within the course. This requirement is divided into 2 parts. Each part is submitted for peer review through the Discussions link. The student will receive a grade for the submission and review contribution while reading and commenting on other students’ work within their "Review Team". Each part is worth 150 points with 75 of those points given for the submission and 75 points given for contributing to the review process. Carefully read the instructions provided for both the draft submissions and the peer review process. (CLO: B, C)

Comprehensive Exam: Journal Article Proposal Assignment

The first comprehensive exam requires the student to write an article related to the intended research dissertation topic. In preparation for that part of the exam, the student must write a brief proposal (two page maximum) to be submitted to the professor for approval. The proposal must include a list of 10 scholarly resources cited in current APA style. (CLO: A)

Comprehensive Exam: Journal Article Assignment

Based on the proposal submitted, the student must prepare and submit a publishable article on an approve topic relevant to the dissertation that explores a gap in the literature. This paper must follow the instructions provided within the course and must demonstrate that the student has a grasp of the literature and an ability to integrate themes developed in the EdD coursework. (CLO: A)

Comprehensive Exam: Research Method Paper Assignment

The student must prepare an 8–10 page research paper on the research methodology that he or she intends to use in the Prospectus/Dissertation research work following instructions provided within the course. This paper must demonstrate that the student has a “comprehensive knowledge” of the methodology to be used in the dissertation. (CLO: A)

The Research Prospectus: Initial Draft Assignment

For this assignment, the student will revise, as necessary, and assemble the first draft of the Prospectus document. This will be the entire Prospectus including all “Front Matter” and all appropriate appendixes and references. It is understood that this document will continue to change and develop as the student’s mentor works with him or her; therefore, it is important that the student does not view this document as a final work. It is, at best, an early draft, but it is a major accomplishment in this process. The student must follow the template provided for either the quantitative or qualitative design approach or create his or her own hybrid document if the study is a mixed-methods design. (CLO: D)

Research Profile Update Assignment

Following the instructions provided in the course, the student will create an updated version of the research profile to use as a discussion tool for interaction with the research mentor and reader in order to create understanding and summarize the research study design. (CLO: D)