Quantitative Methods of Research – CJUS 745

CG • Section 8WK • 11/08/2019 to 04/16/2020 • Modified 02/19/2024

Course Description

This course will introduce concepts and methods in descriptive and inferential statistics. The course is designed to provide students with the statistical background required for doctoral level applied research. Application of statistics and educational and human services research will be emphasized. Areas of study will include estimation, probability, variables, normal distribution, t-distribution, chi-square distribution, F-distribution, confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, and correlation. This course will provide the skills necessary to properly apply descriptive and inferential statistics by helping students understand the role of statistics in scientific research. Further, the assignments are designed to help students identify and implement the correct statistical procedure for a research question through data analysis using a computer (e.g., SPSS). Students will gain the requisite knowledge necessary to learn more complex statistical/research procedures and become more critical of various statistical presentations in academic journals and the mass media.

For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.


Students will learn to apply quantitative methods best practices in a manner applicable to the public administration sector. Ethical and Biblical principles will be applied to the management of data and presentation of results.

Course Assignment

Course Requirements Checklist

After reading the Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in the Course Overview.


Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will take part in 1 Discussion in which he/she will post a thread presenting his/her essay on the assigned topic, writing 750–850 words. Then, the student will post replies of 250–300 words each to 2 or more classmates’ threads. Each reply must be unique and must integrate ideas (and citations) from the required reading. Merely posting the same reply in 2 places is not sufficient and may be treated as a form of academic misconduct. The original thread must incorporate ideas and citations from all of the required readings and presentations for that module/week. The student can use additional articles as well.  All cites must be peer reviewed journal articles, dissertations or textbooks.  No encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia, or website blogs.  All posts must comply with current APA edition format.

Frequency Distributions, Central Tendency, And Measures of Variability Assignment

This is an introduction to statistics assignment to review basic social science statistic needs. The assignment will be a report formatted in APA style summited as a Word document. It will be 4-5 double-spaced pages of content in length (not counting the statistic pages, title page or
references). The even numbers from chapters 2, 3, and 4 will be completed for this assignment.

Intro to Statistics Assignment

This is an introduction to statistics assignment to help you understand statistics. The submitted report must be a Word document in APA style. The length must be 4-5 double-spaced pages of content in length (not counting the statistic pages, title page or references). Even numbers from chapter 1 must be completed and included. After reading Chapter 1, the student will refer back to his/her CJUS 740 study and answer a collection of questions regarding that assignment in light of what was learned in chapter 1. This assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Quantitative Analysis Report Assignments (5)

This course requires 5 data analysis report assignments. In these assignments, the student will use public administrative datasets provided by the professor and conduct statistical analyses and procedure interpretations. The student will post a report with tables, figures, and text including testing the hypotheses and providing interpretation of the results.  The report will be in a Word document, current APA edition format, 4-5 double-spaced pages of content, and supported by course readings and presentations as appropriate.