AVIA 710 Global Aviation Law
Course Description
For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog.
Course Guide
View this course’s outcomes, policies, schedule, and more.*
*The information contained in our Course Guides is provided as a sample. Specific course curriculum and requirements for each course are provided by individual instructors each semester. Students should not use Course Guides to find and complete assignments, class prerequisites, or order books.
The purpose of this course is to prepare candidates to critically analyze global aviation policy and regulations and how they impact the industry. The course explores global aviation policy and regulations through a biblical worldview, legal, economics, and ethics lenses.
Course Assignment
Textbook Readings and Lecture Presentations
The candidate will complete assigned readings from course texts and course documents.
Course Requirements Checklist
After reading the Course Syllabus and Student Expectations, the student will complete the related checklist found in Course Overview.
Discussions (3)
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the candidate is required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each thread. Each thread must be 450-500 words, incorporate at least 2 citations, and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the candidate is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 300 words and incorporate at least 1 citation. All posts must be in the current APA format and include citations and references. (CLO: A, B, D, E)
Video Discussion: Class Introductions
The student will complete the Video Discussion: Class Introductions in a visual presentation format. The visual presentation must include a 2-minute minimum recorded presentation. Be creative with presentations. It is recommended that the student use Kaltura to create his or her presentation. If he or she is not comfortable with Kaltura, the student must use a technology medium that allows the presentation to include his or her face and audio. In addition, the student must post 2 replies of 150 words minimum.
Research Topic Selection Assignment
The candidate will identify a narrowed topic within the area of international aviation law to form the basis of the Final Research Paper Assignment. The Research Topic Selection Assignment will be 750-1000 words using APA formatting and include a title, abstract, and reference pages (exclusive of the word requirement) with at least five (5) scholarly sources the candidate intends to use in the Final Research Paper. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E)
Literature Critique Assignments (2)
The candidate will read and critique two (2) assigned articles in the course pertaining to different international aviation law topics and write a 750 -1000 word paper summarizing and critiquing the assigned article and topic. The critique will seek to identify and concisely explain the key issues presented in the article while providing analysis and critique of the author’s conclusions and perspectives. The candidate will also identify at least one (1) area of future research inquiry either expressly identified in the article or logically resulting from the article’s content and propositions. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E)
Case Brief Assignment
The student will read and brief one (1) full case opinion in order to better the student’s understanding, analysis, and application of international aviation law. The assignment must be 300-500 words in length. (CLO: A, B, D, E)
Final Research Paper Assignment
The candidate will write an 4,000 – 5,000 word research paper on their selected international aviation law topic developed in the Research Topic Selection Assignment earlier in the term. The reference page must include at least ten (10) scholarly sources. (CLO: A, B, C, D, E)
Quizzes (4)
Each quiz will cover the Learn material for the modules: weeks for which it is assigned. Each quiz will be open-book/open-notes, contains 10 multiple choice, short answer, true false or essay questions, and have a 20 minute time limit. (CLO: A, B, D)

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