SCI 1200: Physics

05/01/2024 to 05/30/2025 • Modified 04/27/2024

Course Description

This year-long foundational course allows students to explore the physical and mathematical relationships that describe the world God created. The first semester of this course focuses on Newtonian mechanics and the laws of the physical world related to work, motion, gravity, types of energy, and power. The second semester covers pendulums, sound and light waves, electricity and magnetism, particle and solid-state physics, and other applications of physics in the modern world. Virtual demonstrations and lab exercises require students to apply the theories they learn practically. This course requires strong mathematical skills. Students discover the perfection and order of God’s creation as they investigate the laws and patterns that govern physics in the natural world.

Next Start Date*

Next Monday

Program Restrictions*

  • ESD: Elementary School Diploma (ESDP-ESD-D) Excluded
  • MSD: Middle School Diploma (MSDP-MSD-D) Excluded

Prerequisite Requirements*

Any of the following:

  • All of the following:
    • MAT 1001 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1002 previously completed with a minimum grade of D

  • All of the following:
    • MAT 1001 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1005 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1006 previously completed with a minimum grade of D

  • All of the following:
    • MAT 1002 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1003 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1004 previously completed with a minimum grade of D

  • All of the following:
    • MAT 1003 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1004 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1005 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
    • MAT 1006 previously completed with a minimum grade of D

  • MAT 1000 previously completed with a minimum grade of D

High School Diploma Requirements*

  • Contributes 1 credit to LUOA – Science, Science Requirement.


Module 1: Motion in One Dimension

  • Week 1: Scientific Figures and Units
  • Week 2: What Makes It Move
  • Week 3: One-Dimensional Equations
  • Week 4: Free Fall and Module Quiz

Module 2: Motion in Two Dimensions

  • Week 5: Two-Dimensional Vectors
  • Week 6: Using Two-Dimensional Motion

Module 3: Newton’s Laws

  • Week 7: What are the Laws?
  • Week 8: Applications of the Laws
  • Week 9: Applications of Physics Laws & Quarter 1 Exam

Module 4: Circular Motion, Gravity, & Work

  • Week 10: Circular Motion
  • Week 11: Gravity & Work
  • Week 12: Work & Energy

Module 5: Work, Energy, & Momentum

  • Week 13: Hooke’s Law
  • Week 14: Conservation & Kinetic Energy
  • Week 15: Power
  • Week 16: Momentum
  • Week 17: Conservation of Momentum
  • Week 18: Angular Momentum & 2nd Quarter Test

Module 6: Periodic Motion & Waves

  • Week 19: Let the Pendulum Swing
  • Week 20: Types of Waves
  • Week 21: Doppler, Resonance, Harmonics & Module Quiz

Module 7: Geometric Optics

  • Week 22: How Does Light Move?
  • Week 23: Refraction & Optics

Module 8: Coulomb’s Lab & Electricity

  • Week 24: Electrostatics
  • Week 25: Electric Fields
  • Week 26: Potential & Capacitance
  • Week 27: Capacitance & Quarter 3 Exam

Module 9: Electric Potential & Circuits

  • Week 28: Introduction to Electric Circuits
  • Week 29: Series Circuits
  • Week 30: Parallel & Combination Circuits
  • Week 31: Magnetism

Module 10: Particle & Solid-State Physics, Nuclear Reactions & Relativity

  • Week 32: Particle & Solid-State Physics
  • Week 33: Nuclear Physics
  • Week 34: Half-Life & Quantum Physics
  • Week 35: Relativity
  • Week 36: Quarter 4 Exam
*Course specifics are tentative and subject to change each year. For the most current information, please refer to the Course Registration Tool.

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