LAN 2400: Spanish III
05/01/2024 to 05/30/2025 • Modified 04/23/2024Course Description
This year-long course will build on the fundamental language elements taught in Spanish I and II. Students will continue to develop their communicative competence by focusing on the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They will communicate on various topics using more complex structures in Spanish and move from concrete to more abstract concepts in various time frames. Students will learn about Hispanic culture and contemplate common cultural elements through a biblical worldview. Students will use authentic Spanish worship materials to develop their language skills to become faithful witnesses and effectively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Next Start Date*
Next Monday
Program Restrictions*
- ESD: Elementary School Diploma (ESDP-ESD-D) Excluded
- MSD: Middle School Diploma (MSDP-MSD-D) Excluded
Prerequisite Requirements*
Any of the following:
- All of the following:
- LAN 2301 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2302 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
or - LAN 2301 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- All of the following:
- LAN 2301 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2305 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2306 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
or - LAN 2301 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- All of the following:
- LAN 2302 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2303 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2304 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
or - LAN 2302 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- All of the following:
- LAN 2303 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2304 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2305 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
and - LAN 2306 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
or - LAN 2303 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
- LAN 2300 previously completed with a minimum grade of D
High School Diploma Requirements*
- Contributes 1 credit to LUOA – Fine Art/Career/Tech Ed, Fine Art/Career/Technical Ed Requirement.
Module 1: Repaso de Verbos y Fundamentos (Review of Verbs & Fundamentals)
- Week 1: Present Tense Review
- Week 2: Strategies and Resources
- Week 3: Review Continued
- Week 4: Prepositions, Adjectives, and Object Pronouns
Module 2: Las preposiciones, los adjetivos, y los complementos (Review of the Past & Present continued)
- Week 5: The Present Progressive and Past Tenses
- Week 6: The Preterit vs. The Imperfect
- Week 7: The Perfect Tenses
- Week 8: More Review and Practice
Module 3: Verbos, Adjetivos, y Pronombres (Verbs, Adjectives, & Pronouns)
- Week 9: Reflexives and Reciprocals
- Week 10: Adjectives, Pronouns, and Culture
- Week 11: Listening and Body Parts
Module 4: En el Futuro (In the Future)
- Week 12: The Future Tense
- Week 13: More Future Practice and Por vs. Para
- Week 14: Adjectives, Comparisons, Superlatives, and Holy Week
- Week 15: In the Restaurant, Cacao, and Giving
Module 5: El Modo Imperativo y Repaso (Go & Share the Truth: The Imperative Mood & Review)
- Week 16: The Imperative Mood
- Week 17: Sharing the Gospel
- Week 18: Review and Midterm Exam
Module 6: Un Gran Repaso (An Extensive Review)
- Week 19: Welcome and Bible Vocabulary Review
- Week 20: Review, Perfects, and the Spanish-Speaking World
- Week 21: Vocabulary, Pronouns, and the Conditional
- Week 22: Listen, Speak, and Prepare
Module 7: Es importante que exploremos más (It Is Important that We Explore More)
- Week 23: What are the verb tenses?
- Week 24: Impersonal and Emotion Expressions and Fatalism
- Week 25: More about the Subjunctive and a Devotional
- Week 26: The Education System and the Module 7 Oral and Visual Project
Module 8: Populares y Más Subjuntivo (Popular Holidays & More Subjunctive)
- Week 27: Holidays and the Bible
- Week 28: Friendship and the Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses
- Week 29: Professions and Adverbial Clauses
Module 9: La Gran Palabra Si, la Política, y la Tecnología (The Word “If,” Politics, & Technology)
- Week 30: Por vs. Para, Politics, and Listening Assignments
- Week 31: Relative Pronouns, Technology, and Que vs. Qué
- Week 32: Possible Situations with “Si” and Unrealistic Situations with “Si”
- Week 33: Reported Speech and Impossible or Past Clauses
Module 10: Estrategias para Comunicarse Bien y el Proyecto Final (Strategies for Good Communication & the Final Project)
- Week 34: Cognates and the Good News
- Week 35: The Gospel and Spanish
- Week 36: Final Project and Final Exam