MAT 0100: 1st Grade Math

05/01/2024 to 05/30/2025 • Modified 04/30/2024

Course Description

This math course helps students continue to build and strengthen their math skills. Students will continue to learn about counting, comparing, and ordering sets of up to 110 objects; recognizing and describing simple repeating and growing patterns; and tracing, describing, and sorting plane figures. Students will also learn to recognize and describe part-whole relationships for numbers up to 10 and solve story and picture problems using addition and subtraction within 20. Additionally, students will use nonstandard units to measure, organize, and interpret data. Moreover, students will learn about fractional concepts involving halves and fourths. The students will continue to deepen their education through these areas with biblical integration throughout the course!

Next Start Date*

Next Monday




Module 1: Numbers to 110

  • Week 1: Ordinal Numbers
  • Week 2: Counting and Writing to 50
  • Week 3: Counting and Writing to 100
  • Week 4: Counting and Writing to 110
  • Week 5: Counting Backwards by 1

Module 2: Counting Coins

  • Week 6: Counting Coins by Tens
  • Week 7: Counting Coins by Fives
  • Week 8: Counting Coins by Twos
  • Week 9: Quarter One Review

Module 3: Place Value

  • Week 10: Grouping Collections
  • Week 11: Base Ten
  • Week 12: Comparing Numbers
  • Week 13: Ordering Numbers
  • Week 14: Magnitude

Module 4: Fluency & Equality

  • Week 15: Fluency to 5
  • Week 16: Fluency to 10
  • Week 17: Equality
  • Week 18: Quarter Two Review

Module 5: Sums & Differences

  • Week 19: Addition Strategies – Sums to 20 – Result Unknown
  • Week 20: Subtraction Strategies – Differences to 20 – Result Unknown
  • Week 21: Sums and Differences – Start Unknown
  • Week 22: Sums and Differences – Change Unknown

Module 6: Shapes & Patterns

  • Week 23: Shapes
  • Week 24: Sort and Classify
  • Week 25: Repeating Patterns
  • Week 26: Growing Patterns
  • Week 27: Quarter Three Review

Module 7: Fractions

  • Week 28: Fair Shares
  • Week 29: Fractions

Module 8: Time & Graphing

  • Week 30: Clocks and Telling Time to the Nearest Hour
  • Week 31: Telling Time to the Nearest Hour and Half-Hour
  • Week 32: Calendar
  • Week 33: Graphing

Module 9: Measurement

  • Week 34: Length and Weight
  • Week 35: Volume
  • Week 36: Quarter Four Review
*Course specifics are tentative and subject to change each year. For the most current information, please refer to the Course Registration Tool.

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