Pastor and author David Jeremiah made his fourth visit to Liberty University Convocation on Jan. 25. The founder of Turning Point Radio and Television Ministries has pastored Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, Calif., for 41 years. His family has multiple connections to Liberty; two of his children are alumni, and three of his grandchildren have attended Liberty.
Jeremiah’s message centered on the Old Testament story of Caleb, who joined Joshua as the only two out of the 12 Israelites sent into the land of Canaan to return with a message of faith in what God had promised His people. The other scouts gave a poor report that came from fear and uncertainty, even though God had already delivered their people from Egypt and led them through the wilderness. As a result of the others’ report, the Israelites had to wander the desert for 40 years.
“God asks us to do something, and we forget that the greatest heritage we have to do something new is what God has done for us in the past,” he told the students. “When we look over our shoulder and see how good He has been to us, we can trust a God like that, and we file our memories in such a way that they become motivation for the future.”
Jeremiah recalled being a young pastor in Fort Wayne, Ind., and watching Liberty’s founder, the late Dr. Jerry Falwell, on the television program “The Old Time Gospel Hour.” The LBC Singers would often sing “I Want That Mountain,” a song inspired by the story of Caleb. That song became an anthem of sorts for Falwell as he pursued the vision God had given him for Liberty University. Jeremiah used this memory as an example of how God can provide for those who do not give up on their belief in what God has promised them.
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