Kevin King

Dr. King grew up in the metro area of Atlanta, GA. He became an Atlanta police officer as he was finishing his undergraduate degree at Georgia State University. In 1991, Dr. King left law enforcement to answer his call to the ministry. He left Georgia to pursue education and ministry opportunities in Texas, North Carolina, Kentucky, Colorado, Virginia, and South Africa. He received his M.Div. from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, D.Min. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. from the University of Pretoria. He has served as a pastor, a Trustee of the IMB and presently serves as the M.Div. Director and Professor of Homiletics and Historical Theology at the Rawlins School of Divinity at Liberty University. Dr. King has co-edited and contributed to a number of publications with the most recent being A Legacy of Preaching Volumes 1 and 2 and Celebrating the Legacy of the Reformation. He is the husband of Joy Akin King (his high school sweetheart), father to Daylee, Kevin Jr., and Julianna, and grandfather to Sebastian, Solomon, and Charlotte.