From the desk

Ring by spring. At Liberty, we all know the phrase. Well, last Thursday I got my ring — and along with it I got three days in NYC, 59 Facebook notifications, 20 hours in an airport, two unfinished articles on a deadline and finally, six hours of sleep last night. Talk about a Fall Break. With Liberty’s notorious talk of […]

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Gabe & Gula

Gabe For many college students the importance of voting, especially locally, is not on the forefront of their minds. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2008, only 49 percent of 18-42-year-olds voted in the presidential elections. If less than 50 percent are voting in a national matter, the number of local voters would probably be significantly lower. It is […]

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City responds to concerns about LU polling place

Editor’s note: The Champion received this letter in response to Chancellor Falwell’s letter to the Lynchburg City Council asking what could be done to solve the Heritage Elementary precinct overcrowding issue before the November elections. A response to the Chancellor The Chancellor recently sent the members of City Council the attached email concerning the creation of a new voting precinct […]

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KJV Bible turns 400

Reasons why the King James Bible reigns supreme Regardless of your feelings for a book that predates most countries, the power, accuracy, and beauty of the King James Bible is worthy of admiration. Even the New York Times praised the overwhelming influence that the KJB had on not just America and English speakers, but on the world as a whole. […]

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From the desk

I love fall. Fall at the Champion office is comprised of hectic schedules, hurried emails, political banter, athletics, cupcakes and hot coffee. So, like my scattered profession, this article is going to cover two things which many would never mix but I find certainly fitting under the context of fall. Think of this as a box of chocolates — there’s […]

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Robertson shocks viewers

700 Club evangelist makes offensive statement about divorce he Common Book of Prayer, where most wedding vows come from today, says, “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, ‘til death do us part.” Traditional wedding vows seem to be losing […]

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From the Desk

As I rounded the last corner, everything hurt. Putting one foot in front of the other was more laborious than it has ever been in my life — but I had to run across the finish line. Last weekend, on my “week off,” I ran the Philadelphia Rock and Roll Marathon — all 13.1 glorious miles of it. For all […]

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Gabe and Gula

Gabe: Pro Forget the overcrowded hallways, the brace-faced freshmen and that your once orderly schedule will be broken into pieces for the majority of four days. CFAW is about much more than potentially annoying upperclassmen. Ironically, 74 percent of those college students now complaining about the packed campus were, in fact, CFAWers themselves. During CFAW, prospective students can visit, get […]

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Obama: “Pass this jobs bill now”

“Pass this jobs bill.” President Barack Obama uttered that statement 16 times in his 33-minute speech. “This jobs bill” is the $447 billion American Jobs Act, which bundles tax cuts and increased spending. The bill includes elements such as cutting the 6.2 percent payroll tax in half while closing tax loopholes for businesses. It calls for increased spending for teachers, […]

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A civil rights hero

Monument causes uproar over architect and resemblance A man who spread peace and tranquility would find distress and utter chaos nearly a half century after his “I Have a Dream” speech. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a prolific man, to say the least. A monument was built in his remembrance, but judging by his walk through life, it would […]

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Kansas to stop insured abortions

ACLU not going down without a fight The American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas took a stand against new Kansas legislation that will ban women from filing abortions on insurance plans. The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday, Aug. 30, has caused political uproar because this is the first restriction against abortion to be challenged in court, said The Huffington Post. Kansas […]

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A Patriot moment

Even sports was impacted by tragedy Fear, anger, confusion and devastation are few of many words that could describe the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Prior to the attacks, the NFL season was well underway, entering its third week of the season. Prominent NFL teams were just beginning to hit their strides, only to be halted by the shattering event. Before […]

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Overcoming adversity

Taking a moment of silence, remembering those who lost their lives or even thanking those who are still fighting for our freedom is not enough. We must never give up — never back down in the face of adversity. Millions of eyes and hearts gripped the edge of reality as the blackened sky […]

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