From Theater Major to Blogger: How One Liberty Alum’s Obedience Influenced Others For The Gospel
From Maryland to Liberty University, and then to Indiana, Emily Saxe (‘14) has been able to use her skills in communicating on many different platforms.
Saxe started out at as a theatre student, but quickly felt in her heart that God was leading her elsewhere.
“It was like a breath of fresh air when I switched to be a communications major from theatre,” Saxe said. “That’s what it feels like to obey God.”
Saxe originally chose Liberty because of its renowned theatre program. She also knew she wanted to go to a Christian university, which attracted her to the school. When she made the switch to communications, she wanted to focus on print journalism.
Saxe took the Champion practicum as a junior, where she was a feature reporter. She then found herself on staff.
“At the end of my junior year, the Champion had some openings,” Saxe said. “I originally wanted to apply to be a feature editor, but the graduate assistant explained what the copy-editor does and that seemed more appealing.”
“I am one of those weird people who likes to find the grammar mistakes and make
sure the story structure is okay,” she added. “So, I applied and got one of the
two copy-editing positions.”
Saxe held this position until her graduation in the spring of 2014. She ended up with an internship with the magazine Susie, which was affiliated with Focus on the Family.
“I was working at a summer camp in Indiana called Spring Hills, when I got an email saying that the magazine was shutting down,” Saxe said. “It was a really difficult few weeks for me. That would have been my dream job. I wanted to write and edit for a magazine.”
“I began to apply for other jobs,” she added. “But my heart was not in it at all.”
She ended up staying at Spring Hills, where she worked as a middle school director for about three years. She also worked with the camp’s marketing department, writing devotionals and Bible studies for children.
The year 2017 brought change for Saxe. She got married and left her job at Spring Hills to pursue something closer to her interests.
“I started my freelance editing and writing company called To Unearth,” Saxe said. “The name ‘To Unearth’ came about from unearthing God’s truths in our ordinary lives. It is all about how ordinary people can connect with God, despite everything being mundane and very routine. My audience is mostly women from 25-65.”
Her business started out as just a blog, but it evolved to something greater as time passed. Saxe began writing devotionals and Bible studies in line with the purpose of her company, all done through self-publishing. Her company also offers editing services.
“I feel like God is leading me towards doing more Bible studies with my company,” Saxe said. “I have been able to lead people through them on Facebook. I am leaning more away from the blog articles to focus on these bible studies.”
She continued, “My goal isn’t to become this massive Christian author, but rather just reach whoever I am able to.”
Saxe and her husband, John, recently welcomed their newborn son, Joshua, on Dec. 16.
“Joshua is growing quickly as he’s already closing in on 10lbs,” Saxe said. “He’s a vocal little guy with a nearly constant stream of adorable noises, and we’re loving getting to know him each day!”
Daniel Ellis is a Feature Reporter. Follow him on Twitter at @dnaieltyler.