Commons III, or “The Shoe,” added to national cult watchlist

Liberty University dormitory Residential Commons III, popularly known as “The Shoe,” was added to a national cult watchlist after reports of students engaging in disturbing activities.
According several reports from the Liberty University Police Department, residents of Commons III have been marching from the dorm to the Freedom Tower each night for the past semester, chanting “Shoeee” and occasionally an arrangement of Humble Tip’s “This is Liberty” vaguely resembling a Gregorian chant.
Reports say the several hundred students were wearing matching capes with dorm’s logo emblazoned on the hood, along with each hall’s Bible verse. A few students who wish to remain anonymous also said residents have been burning leftover meat from the Reber-Thomas Dining Hall as an offering.
However, these students have dismissed accusations that they are cult, insisting their behavior is beneficial to hall unity.
“Honestly, we really just believe in the power of community and doing life together as members of the body of Christ,” Residential Commons III Resident Assistant Sarah Baker said. “And that’s going to look different for every believer and, yeah, even every dorm.”
But not all students are supportive of the dorm’s version of community. Former Residential Commons III resident Kaleb Davis moved to East Campus after he said the dorm went too far.
“At first, I was OK with the nightly rituals and the indoctrination of freshmen,” Davis, a sophomore, said. “But I had to draw the line when they started yelling ‘Shoeee’ every time Nasser mentioned them in Convo — that was just obnoxious.”
Despite widespread concern on the campus about the resident hall, Liberty’s administration said they have no plans to stop the dorm’s night activities, as they are not technically against the Liberty Way.
“Everything we do at The Shoe is Liberty-approved and used to promote hall community,” Baker same here said. “And, anyway, why were dorms on The Hill never added to these so-called watchlists? It’s pretty hypocritical.”
The Office of Residence Life did not respond when asked for comment.
April Fools Day
As I was reading this article I thought to myself, “Boy, these Liberty University students are a lot more radical in their own way than I would have thought possible.” Then I looked at the date: April 1st. Well of course. Thanks for the chuckle.