Alpha Omega Agape fraternity moves into the Mansion

New Testament translations are not the only Greek thing you will find at Liberty University, now that the Alpha Omega Agape fraternity has founded its first chapter. The fraternity was founded at the end of March by seven students who recognized a need for this quintessential college experience — but through the Liberty Way.
“I have to be honest, the idea came to us after my friends and I left the prayer chapel one night and walked by the Montview Mansion,” founder Ben Hollins said. “We thought it would make a great frat house. Then we thought, ‘Hey, why not? Let’s give it a non-alcoholic shot.’”
That shot paid off, garnering the sweeping support of both the Student Government Association and the university’s administration, much to campus-wide shock and jubilation.
The vacant Montview Mansion has since been repurposed to host AOA indefinitely. Parlor fee is going to be 10 percent of tuition (or whatever prospective members feel led to give), according to Hollins. Communion will be held at each meeting, and fish pins will be given to each member upon admission. The frat will host its first rush mid-April, with sparkling grape juice in abundance and authentic feet-washing rituals.
“How better to get to know your prospective brothers?” Hollins said.
As any Greek college community would expect, hazing rumors are already spreading. One alleges that the frat plans to haze new members by making them speak to female students only in passages from Song of Solomon. Another rumor claims that new members will instead be initiated with a meal consisting of honey and actual cicadas — a local alternative to locusts that more practical for the Virginia-based school as summer gets closer.
But Hollins declined to comment on either rumor.
“Who do you think we are, the Shoe?” Hollins asked.
Plans for a sister sorority, Alpha Omega Philia, are underway.
April Fools Day