Twitter celebrates a decade

The social media site has revolutionized the way people receive information

Twitter turned 10 years old March 21. Since its creation, the popular social media outlet has impacted the way people socialize and get their news, ushering in a social media era characterized by quick, easy-to-digest tweets that cover everything from current events, celebrity news and whatever inspirational quote friends are posting.

Without a doubt, Twitter has had a massive impact on the social world. Individuals tired of Facebook, a forum that has increasingly featured more ads and long posts from friends and family, switched over to Twitter in droves. The 140 character limit in a tweet makes it easy to get the most important news without sifting through less important details. Additionally, following friends, celebrities and favorite companies on Twitter is far easier to do than on any other social media outlet.

MEdia — Twitter made interaction with others around the world much easier and has allowed people to access more information. Google Images

Media — Twitter made interaction with others around the world much easier and has allowed people to access more information. Google Images

“Twitter has undoubtedly changed the way people communicate online, most notably with its 140-character format that, for better or worse, urges users to be judicious with their words,” Business Insider writer Brian Logan said. “The social platform has also become a go-to for following world events in real time.”

Undoubtedly, the most impactful change that Twitter has made in the world is that of news consumption.

In an age where people no longer have the time to read a newspaper or flip to the evening news, keeping up to date with what is going on around the world is a cinch on Twitter. By simply following a few news organizations on the social media platform, the biggest news pieces of the day are posted and linked directly to Twitter.

An ingenious invention, the “hashtag,” also arose from Twitter. Although the pound key existed long before Twitter, its popularity and usefulness arose when adding that little symbol grouped every topic in that category in an easy to search database. Its usefulness has been exhibited through tracking trending topics around the world and heading up online campaigns.

According to BBC technology reporter Dave Lee, the “hashtag” and Twitter have made it easy for people to reach out to politicians with important issues.

“Twitter has cemented itself as a digital soapbox, and a place for politicians to engage directly with people — making major announcements along the way,” Lee said.

The ease of communication and use of the “hashtag” has also played its part in saving lives. When Paris came under attack in 2015, people took to Twitter not only to warn others of what was happening and to update the news, but also to offer people who could not get home a safe place to stay. Those who had a place to offer travelers who were stuck in the city were encouraged to tweet “#PorteOuverte,” French for “Open Door.”

From providing ease of communication with friends and strangers alike, to changing the face of news and saving lives, Twitter’s 10 years have had an overwhelmingly positive impact.

It can be argued that use of the social media site is not always in the best interest of the users due to overuse and oversimplification. However, it cannot be ignored that Twitter has become a tool for contacting people once unreachable by the masses and providing breaking news and life saving tips to those who need it the most.

Young is an opinion writer.

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