Friendly advice for freshmen

It is that time of year again when summer comes to an end and school starts back. But the transition from high school to college can be rough for some, so here’s what new students need to know about college life at Liberty.

College life — Learning how to fit in right away. Champion archive

The most important thing to learn at college is how to compromise. Dorm rooms are small and shared. Roommates can be best friends or worst enemies—and the difference is usually how much each person is willing to compromise.

Another helpful tip is for those who are privileged enough to bring a car. Many Liberty students know that driving in Lynchburg can be a little confusing, so either buy a GPS or buddy-up to an upper classman who knows their way around. Because getting lost is not on anyone’s to-do list.

Those not fortunate enough to bring a car need to wear comfy shoes. This is a must. Liberty is built into a mountain—literally, it’s on top of the mountain, through the mountain, engraved into the mountain—which means a lot of walking and a lot of hills. Good shoes that don’t hurt are absolutely necessary if blister-free feet are desired.

Also, while walking around on campus, it is a good idea to go ahead and map out classes.

“Numbers in DeMoss can be really confusing, so find your classes in advance,” sophomore Megan Youngdale said.

This is good advice, regardless of what year a student is, since the numbers seem to change every year. No one wants to spend their first days lost and having to ask people for directions only to end up late to class. No need to start the year off irritating professors.

Freshmen also need to know that certain key words can give away any new student. Cars are parked in the “Pit,” and there are two of those. Students eat at the “Rot,” that place where people identify their seats by surrounding wall colors such as the popular “Barney” and “Watermelon” sections. So when at Liberty, talk like a Liberty student.

Another saying new students will discover quickly is “ring by spring.” It doesn’t take long to find out that Liberty is very family-oriented, meaning they like to help students find their spiritual spouses here before heading outside of the Liberty bubble. Don’t be surprised when it is talked about in Convocation, because during each service it receives at least one honorable mention.

“Warn them [freshmen] about the ‘ring by spring’ thing because when people joke about it; they’re only halfway joking,” junior Bailee Stewart said.

Another item students only half-way joke about is Lynchburg’s nickname, Drenchburg. As a new freshman already found out since being here, “Take an umbrella with you even if you don’t think it will rain…because it will,” Autumn Lightner said. This piece of wisdom tends to be prophetically true. Even if there is a zero percent chance of rain, bring an umbrella because otherwise, rain is guaranteed.

Liberty is a wonderful place to be, so don’t be overwhelmed by all the things a new student should know. Freshman year can be intimidating enough for some without the worries of getting lost or saying things that pinpoint a new student as a freshman. But hopefully, these helpful hints will make for a great start to this school year.

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