Congress 2010: Bob Goodlatte

What is your stance on health care? Would you support the repeal of the new health care law?

Federal health care policy should focus on strategies that help Americans obtain the best quality health care at the least cost.  The best way to keep health care prices down is competition, not bureaucracies, regulations and price controls.  I will continue working to repeal the new health care law that kills jobs, raises taxes, threatens seniors’ access to care.

How do you plan to help small businesses succeed?

The difference between certainty and uncertainty for businesses is the difference between a thriving and stagnant economy. We must remove barriers to employment including the threat of higher taxes.  It is common sense that you should not raise costs and taxes on employers at a time when unemployment is so high.

How do you stand on keeping the Bush tax cuts that are scheduled to end January 2011? Would you support extending the Bush tax cuts beyond January 2010?

I’m committed to permanently stopping all job-killing tax hikes. I strongly support extending the current tax cuts.  The last thing our economy needs is crushing tax increases.  Instead Congress must focus on policies that allow individuals and businesses to keep more of their hard-earned tax dollars, which would encourage investment and provide financial relief for America’s small businesses.

How do you feel about the new research showing that the recession has been over for some time? How do you plan to help those who are still feeling its effects?

The nation’s unemployment rate is still unacceptable and economic recovery is sluggish.  In these difficult economic times, we must support our small businesses and keep taxes low on American families to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.  In addition, excessive government spending must be addressed in a meaningful way to help strengthen our economy.

How do you use the Constitution in your decision making process? What role should government take in citizens’ lives?

I carry a pocket Constitution with me, and I consult it regularly when making decisions on legislation. The Declaration of Independence describes the God-given, inalienable rights that individuals possess. Government must protect and expand those rights, not impose more restrictions and mandates on Americans.

Would you support legislation hat would reverse and/or challenge the abortion decision in Roe v. Wade?

I believe that all life is sacred.  I have co-sponsored legislation to declare that the right to life is vested in each human being at the moment of fertilization, cloning or other moment at which an individual comes into being.

What specific plans do you have to increase employment?

We must remove barriers to employment including the threat of higher taxes, new government regulations and costly mandates. We must restore confidence in America’s economic future by restraining federal spending.  This would allow banks who are financing the debt to invest in more productive activities, like small business growth.

What would you like college students to know about you?

I am committed to ensuring that college students have a secure economic future and the opportunity for gainful employment.  The enormous debt that we are accumulating today is unsustainable and will rest on the shoulders of today’s youth.  I am working to curb federal spending and have introduced legislation to require balancing the federal budget.  I also support policies that will enable employers to create jobs and grow our economy.

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